Treatment and therapy | Weakness of the connective tissue

Treatment and therapy

The weakness of the connective tissue can be treated by different measures. Prior to this, it is important to have clarified the cause of the weakness of the connective tissue in order to find a suitable therapy for the affected person. In most people, however, genetic predisposition plays a decisive role in the tendency to weakness of the connective tissue.

Since this cannot be treated and treated causally, it is important for those affected to take measures to strengthen their connective tissue and to counteract the worst symptoms and progression of connective tissue weakness. First of all, a change of life in principle can be helpful for a not very pronounced weakness of the connective tissue with few, slight symptoms. This means weight reduction (if overweight is present) through a lot of sport and exercise, as well as a healthy diet plan (see: Exercises against cellulite).

Since overweight puts a lot of strain on the connective tissue, it wears out faster and loses strength. This not only leads to cellulite visible from the outside and stretch marks, but can also weaken the connective tissue of the internal organs. The diet should be varied and balanced.

A high content of vitamins is helpful for strengthening the connective tissue. This is found mainly in fruit and vegetables. Fiber also strengthens the connective tissue and should therefore not be missing from the diet.

These are particularly high in oats and legumes, for example. Overall, the content of animal proteins should be reduced, as they are deposited in the intermediate tissue of the connective tissue and can thus lead to the acidosis described above. The overacidification damages the connective tissue and thus makes it weaker.

Animal protein is mainly found in meat, fish and dairy products. A sufficient fluid intake (preferably with water) should be part of the diet. This rinses the kidneys on the one hand and ensures sufficient “detoxification“.

In addition, the water is stored by the connective tissue and thus appears firmer. In addition to a suitable diet, a regular exercise program, whether it be long walks, jogging, swimming or cycling, is also part of the diet. Exercise promotes the detoxification processes in the body and is therefore essential for the therapy of connective tissue weakness.

To strengthen the connective tissue, the promotion of blood circulation is sometimes also mentioned as a therapeutic measure. On the one hand, the blood circulation can be strengthened by exercise, but it can also be additionally supported by alternating showers or massages, for example. The alternating showers cause a stronger circulation between blood vessels, lymph vessels and the connective tissue in between.

Three to five changes between hot and cold water are made during a shower. This strengthens not only the blood circulation but also the immune system and the body’s metabolism. In addition to the increased blood circulation, the massages also cause the connective tissue to build up through mechanical stress.

There are certain aids for the massage, such as brushes, which are especially recommended for the treatment of cellulite.In drugstores and pharmacies, creams and ointments or even peelings are often recommended to help against cellulite. However, these only penetrate the subcutaneous tissue at most and can therefore only tighten the skin superficially. The entire connective tissue of the body cannot be strengthened by these under any circumstances.

If the affected person has already reached an advanced stage of weakness of the connective tissue and the connective tissue of the internal organs is damaged, important things must be considered here. In the case of spider veins or even varicose veins, surgery is sometimes necessary, as pain, which can even cause calf cramps, can occur. To counteract the development of spider veins and varicose veins, regular exercise is again the most helpful and protective measure.

If the affected person shows visible stretch marks or stretch marks as scars, one can try to treat them with vitamin A. To counteract the sinking of internal organs (such as the uterus), it is recommended to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. Suitable exercises for strengthening can also be worked out with a physiotherapist after birth.

If a hernia occurs, a family doctor should be consulted urgently. He can decide whether the hernia should be reduced manually (i.e. “pushed back” by hand) or surgically operated. If intestinal loops are trapped, tissue may perish.

Since it cannot obtain sufficient blood circulation, a quick procedure is recommended. If the affected person suffers greatly from the externally visible consequences of weak connective tissue, cosmetic surgery may be considered. Through a surgical procedure, the skin can be tightened, for example, after a severe weight loss or a previous pregnancy. However, these operations must be paid for privately by the person concerned, as the health insurance does not cover such cosmetic surgery.