Treatment | Birthmark in the eye


If a conjunctival or sclerotic nevus starts to grow rapidly, complete surgical removal and histological evaluation (at the cellular level using a microscope) of it should be performed. This will help to determine whether the birthmark is actually malignant. Another way of removing a birthmark is laser coagulation, i.e. the closure of the vessels supplying the birthmark by laser. The earlier a degeneration is detected, the better the chances of recovery. However, moles that are not yet degenerated can also be removed for cosmetic reasons.

Conjunctival melanoma

Conjunctival melanoma is a rare malignant tumor that can develop from a conjunctival nevus, but is usually caused by a melanoma. In contrast to a nevus, a melanoma has a patchy, blurred pigmentation. The conjunctival melanoma itself, as a nodular, pigmented tumor with vessels running towards it, is sometimes difficult to distinguish from a benign pigmentation disorder. It is usually removed surgically. In addition (adjuvant), irradiation and/or local therapy with cytostatic drugs can be performed