Treatment | Cysts on the ovary


Most cysts are benign and may need to be controlled. Often the cysts regress on their own and simply disappear at one of the next check-ups. The check-ups should be done at the beginning after each menstrual period and then every 2 months.

If the cysts do not regress, the administration of a hormone tablet can help. The corpus luteum hormone is used here, which sometimes has to be taken over several months until the cyst disappears. Regular ultrasound checks also allow the blood flow and size to be constantly monitored and statements to be made about benign or malignant ovarian cysts.

Malignant tumors are almost always supplied by a larger number of blood vessels than harmless benign cysts. If the origin of the cyst cannot be determined by these procedures, a laparoscopy can be performed and a tissue sample can be used to determine the origin of the cyst.Also in case of complications, suspicion of malignant degeneration or lack of regression despite hormone therapy, surgery is usually very useful to remove the cyst. Small incisions are often sufficient and the cyst can be removed in a laparoscopy and a large abdominal incision is rarely necessary.