Treatment/exercises – calf | Muscle strain physiotherapy

Treatment/exercises – calf

A strain in the calf occurs very often. Especially during running sports, a strain in the calf is very common. This is also treated according to the PECH rule, after which there are some gentle exercises to mobilize the calf again.

1) Stretching the calf Stand in front of a wall about half a step away. Then place the affected foot close to the wall on the heel so that the tips of the toes touch the wall. Now bend forward with your front leg stretched until you feel a stretch in your calf.

This should not be painful. Hold the tension for about 15 seconds. 2) Strengthening of the muscles Stand on a step so that both heels extend beyond the step.

Now push yourself up on tiptoe. From there slowly lower your heels down again. 20 repetitions.

3) Star jump/jumping jacks Stand straight and upright. Now jump up and land with your legs further out. At the same time lift your arms above your head during the jump.

Jump back to the starting position. Increase the speed so that it becomes a flowing movement. Try to keep the movement for 20 seconds

Treatment/exercises thigh

Also a strain in the thigh belongs to the rather more frequently occurring strains. It is also caused by overloading, mostly in sports where rapid changes of direction are required. According to the PECH rule, there are also some exercises that rebuild the thigh muscle.

1) Wall sitting – strengthening the muscles Sit with your back against a wall. Make sure that the entire surface of your back is touching the wall. The legs are angled at 90°.

Hold the tension for 20 seconds. 2) Stretching the front of the thighs Stand up straight and upright. With your right hand, grasp your right ankle and pull your foot towards your buttocks.

Support yourself with the other hand if necessary. Hold the stretch for 20 seconds, then change legs. 3) Knee bends to strengthen the muscles Stand straight and upright.

The legs are shoulder width apart. Now go into the squat. Make sure that your back forms a straight line and that your knees do not go beyond the tips of your feet. 15 repetitions. More exercises for the thigh can be found in the following articles:

  • Stretching exercises lower extremity
  • Exercises for legs