Treatment | Lymphangitis in the arm


The treatment of lymphangitis in the arm is initially aimed at eliminating the cause. This is usually a soft tissue infection caused by pathogens (usually bacteria). After a wound swab has been taken to determine the exact pathogen, a local antibiotic therapy is usually started.

In addition, regular cleaning and disinfection of the wound are of particular importance. Depending on the depth of the wound, a sterile wound dressing should be applied, which is checked and changed regularly. If the soft tissue inflammation is so severe that it causes lymphangitis in the arm, surgical therapy may also be necessary.

The infection and inflammation of the lymphatic vessels often leads to an accumulation of pus in the tissue (abscess). This may need to be surgically opened and removed (rinsed out with anti-inflammatory agents). The wound is then sutured or closed with a sterile wound dressing, depending on its size and depth.

In the case of infected wounds, a so-called secondary wound closure may also be necessary. Here the wound is first cleaned but not closed. The body is then given time to fight the pathogens, treated with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory agents if necessary, and the wound is closed with sutures a few days later, when the inflammation has healed.

If systemic complaints such as fever occur in addition to the lymphangitis, it is often necessary to administer an antibiotic in tablet form or even via the vein. Antipyretic drugs and painkillers can also be used. Home remedies, which can be used for lymphangitis in the arm, are aimed primarily at alleviating symptoms.

Cooling compresses can be used to relieve the inflammatory symptoms of the vessels along the arm. Cooling packs or also quark or cabbage wraps are suitable for this purpose. Anti-inflammatory oils can also be applied to the compresses. Regular cleaning of the causative wounds is also part of the therapy. This should be done primarily with clean water and, if necessary, anti-inflammatory rinsing solutions.