Treatment of bursitis of the elbow

Basic therapy

As a rule, bursitis is easy to treat and heals without consequences. There are different approaches in the therapy of bursitis, which can lead to freedom from symptoms depending on the cause of the inflammation. In general, the inflamed region at the elbow should be spared for the time being so that the damage is not further increased by additional movement.

The elbow can be immobilized at least temporarily by a bandage or a special splint. However, this immobilization should not take place for too long, as this can cause problems when resuming movements, as the joint has not been moved sufficiently for too long. In addition to immobilization, it is recommended that the elbow be cooled to allow the bursa to subside.

Special cooling ointments and gels can be used for this purpose, but also cold packs and ice packs, which should never be placed directly on the skin because of the risk of frostbite. Under no circumstances should the affected area on the elbow be warmed! Physiotherapy often belongs to the further basic therapy. This is prescribed so that the joint can be moved again quickly and the affected persons learn how bursitis can be avoided in the future, for example, if they are favored by bad posture. In addition, muscle exercises can be done to strengthen the structures of the joint.


In addition to immobilization and cooling, the doctor may prescribe medication that works against the inflammation. These include diclofenac or ibuprofen, for example. These drugs not only fight the inflammation in the bursa, but are also effective against any pain that may occur. In case of severe pain, local anaesthetics can also be injected directly into or onto the bursa. In order to further reduce the inflammatory reaction, the use of glucocorticoids can also be useful, since this weakens the body’s own inflammatory reaction and allows the bursa to recover better.