Treatment of fever and aching limbs | Fever with aching limbs

Treatment of fever and aching limbs

The treatment also depends on the cause. A common cold is usually treated purely symptomatically. This means that the cause is not eliminated, but only the symptoms are alleviated.

Sufficient rest and sleep are crucial for the healing process. Furthermore, drinking is extremely important. On the one hand, the pathogens are flushed out and accompanying symptoms such as coughing are improved by the expectorant effect.

On the other hand, it is necessary to balance the fluid balance, especially in the case of fever and associated sweating.Drugs such as paracetamol or ibuprofen can be particularly helpful in cases of fever and aching limbs. They both relieve pain and reduce fever. However, as described above, fever is a sensible reaction and should therefore only be suppressed to a limited extent.

If in doubt, discuss the intake with your family doctor. In most cases, influenza is also treated as described above. In addition, the use of antiviral drugs can be considered here.

Nowadays, neuraminidase inhibitors are mainly used. These prevent the release of the virus from the host cell. However, these drugs only have an effect if they are taken in the first 48 hours after the onset of symptoms.

In the case of a bacterial pathogen, the use of antibiotics may be indicated. However, this should definitely be discussed with a physician, since frequent intake of antibiotics kills the natural bacterial flora of the body, which can cause other dangerous pathogens to settle. It can also lead to the development of resistance so that certain antibiotics are no longer effective.

If parasitic pathogens are the cause of your aching limbs and fever, special medication must be taken to combat them. If the suspicion of a rheumatic disease is confirmed in the case of symptoms that have existed for a longer period of time, a completely different treatment comes into play, including physiotherapy, physical or drug therapy. If the fever and aching limbs are due to an infection, it is most important to take it easy and get enough sleep.

Furthermore, sufficient drinking is important. Drinking warm tea is particularly suitable in the case of fever. The already weakened body does not need to expend any further energy to heat the drink to body temperature, as is the case with cold drinks.

Herbal teas can also help to reduce fever. Among others, chamomile, sage, lime blossom and lilac are known for their sudorific effects. Another effective household remedy for both aching limbs and fever is calf compresses.

Warm legs are a prerequisite for this; for cold legs these cooling compresses are contraindicated! The wipes should not be too cold and should not remain on the skin for more than 10-15 minutes. If they warm up and the legs underneath are still warm, the wraps can be renewed.

Learn more about calf compresses against fever. Hot baths are also a therapeutic option for pain in the limbs alone. However, if the pain in the limbs occurs in combination with fever, hot baths are strictly contraindicated!

The fever can continue to rise due to the heat and may even become life-threatening. As already mentioned, fever is a sensible reaction of the body and should therefore not be directly combated with antipyretic agents. Despite this, fever is very stressful for the body.

Homeopathic remedies can gently support it. Eupatiorium perfoliatum is particularly suitable for fever in combination with aching limbs. The patient feels shattered, suffers from chills and is thirsty for cold.

It is recommended to take 2-3 D12 globules, 2-3 times a day. In case of sudden onset of fever, Belladonna and Aconitum napellus may bring improvement. The optimal dosage in both cases is 2-3 C30 globules dissolved in 200 ml of water, of which a sip is taken every 15-20 minutes at the beginning. If there is an improvement, the intervals can be increased or the intake stopped. If the fever does not go down under homeopathic treatment and the pain in the limbs does not get better, you should consult a doctor.