Treatment of greasy hair without washing | How to treat oily hair correctly

Treatment of greasy hair without washing

If you have a tendency to oily hair, you should avoid washing it too often, as this stimulates the scalp to produce more sebum and the hair becomes greasy more quickly. Instead of washing the hair with water and shampoo, you can also use a dry shampoo. This ensures that the hair looks well-groomed even without washing.

Dry shampoo is available as powder or as a spray. It absorbs the excess grease and gives a pleasant scent. Baby powder can also be used instead of the dry shampoo, because it absorbs the excess grease just as well.

Corn flour and oatmeal are other alternatives, which also applied to the hairline lead to a reduction of the excess sebum. Dry shampoo and baby powder are a good way to make the hair look well-groomed again, but they do not replace shampoo and water in the long run. Although this should not be done every day, it is advisable after two to four days. The time between two hair washes can then be bridged with dry shampoo or baby powder.

What are the possible causes of oily hair?

The cause of oily and therefore unkempt looking urine is the sebaceous glands, which are found both in the scalp and in the area of the hair roots. The sebum produced by these cells basically has important tasks to perform and is essential for skin and hair health. Sebum consists essentially of various fats and waxes.

For this reason, it can tightly cover the scalp and hair roots like a protective film.There it protects against harmful environmental influences and strong sunlight. In addition, the secretion produced by the sebaceous cells ensures that the hair roots and roots do not dry out and thus remain healthy for longer. How much sebum is produced and secreted daily depends on several factors.

For this reason, the excessive production of the actual protective secretion, which leads to oily hair, can have various causes. Above all, the hormonal balance of the organism plays a decisive role in the regulation of sebum production. Hormonal fluctuations quickly bring the regulatory system of sebum production into imbalance.

For this reason, boys and girls notice especially at the beginning of puberty that they suffer from quickly greasy hair. In addition to hormones, certain drugs can also have an effect or side effect on the sebaceous glands and increase their activity. If there is a suspicion that taking the medication is responsible for the greasy hair, it should be discussed with the treating doctor.

Another factor that has an influence on the activity of sebaceous glands is nutrition. Very unhealthy diet, which includes a lot of oily food and fast food, additionally stimulates the sebaceous glands of the skin and can thus quickly cause oily skin and hair. Likewise, long-lasting and frequent stress can be reflected on the scalp.

This is because stress makes the vegetative nervous system so active that more sweat is secreted and hair becomes greasy more quickly. Absolutely crucial for oily hair is also the wrong hair wash. On the one hand, an unsuitable care product can be used. For example, shampoos, which are marked for dry and brittle hair, have a refatting effect and activate the sebaceous glands to increased protective film production.

Hair conditioners or hair treatments, which are supposed to make the hair smoother and shiny, are also unsuitable for quickly greasy hair. On the other hand, the washing process can have an influence on the sebaceous glands. Here, for example, the temperature of the water and the way it is massaged in are decisive.

If the water is too hot for the scalp or the shampoo is massaged in too strongly, the sebaceous glands react with a protective sebum production. Mechanical stress, such as frequent brushing or continuous running of the hair with the hands, as well as the frequent wearing of headgear, under which the scalp sweats more, is also attributed a negative influence on the greasiness of the hair.