Treatment of inflammation of the sebaceous glands | Sebaceous gland inflammation

Treatment of inflammation of the sebaceous glands

Inflammation of the sebaceous glands is in most cases unproblematic and heals on its own. Explicit treatment is then not necessary. Pressing around the inflamed area of skin should be avoided at all costs, because bacteria can get under the skin and cause severe infections and inflammations there.

The healing process can be accelerated by treating the inflammation with pulling ointment. In some cases, however, the congested sebaceous gland can become infected with pus and must then be treated surgically. Even in the case of large inflammations, which are located very deep under the skin, a surgical procedure to remove them must be performed.

The doctor cuts open the inflamed sebaceous gland so that the pus contained in it can drain away. The wound is then rinsed with an antiseptic solution and stuffed with compresses. After the procedure, the patient may need to take antibiotic medication for a few days to prevent the wound from becoming inflamed again.

This topic could also be of interest: Surgery of an abscessFor the treatment of sebaceous gland inflammation, a so-called pulling ointment or pulling ointment can be used.This is a special ointment whose active ingredients (mostly shale oil from oil shale) “remove” the inflammation from the skin. The ointment promotes the blood circulation of the skin, which causes the pus to break through to the outside faster. In addition, pulling ointments reduce the sebum production of the skin and have a killing effect on bacteria and other germs.

Pull ointments are available without prescription in every pharmacy. Simple inflammations of the sebaceous glands are harmless and do not require drug therapy with antibiotics. In the case of recurring sebaceous gland inflammations or severe courses, such as the formation of an abscess or boils, it may however be necessary for the doctor to prescribe an antibiotic.

The antibiotic inhibits the growth of the bacteria causing the infection and promotes the healing of the inflammation. Tea tree oil has an antibacterial effect and relieves inflammation on the surface of the skin. The oil can be dabbed directly onto the sebaceous gland inflammation with a cotton pad, which accelerates healing and prevents the development of a severe inflammation. Regular exfoliation removes dead skin cells and excess sebum, making the sebaceous glands less likely to become clogged. To exfoliate, simply mix sea salt or sugar with a little olive oil and apply this mixture to the skin in circular movements.