Treatment of inflammation of the tendons of the hip | Tendinitis at the hip

Treatment of inflammation of the tendons of the hip

The treatment of a tendon inflammation of the hip is usually performed in a conservative way. The most important therapeutic measure for tendonitis is the immobilization and relief of the hip. This is the only way to achieve effective regeneration and rapid healing.

In the acute situation, the symptoms of the inflammation can be treated particularly well with cold therapy. A large cold pack is suitable for cooling the hip in order to bring about a local effect of the cold on the inflamed tendons. However, heat therapy is indicated in the further healing process or if the complaints persist for a long time.

In order to counteract tendon inflammation of the hip, drug therapy can be used. In this case, anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving drugs such as ibuprofen or diclofenac (Voltaren®) are used. As an alternative, those affected can also resort to homeopathic remedies.

In this case, globules in particular are very practical in terms of dosage and administration. After sufficient protection of the hip, it is imperative that those affected begin to regain weight bearing slowly. This means that light stretching exercises of the hip muscles are recommended first.

Physiotherapeutic care is suitable here. In general, conservative therapy approaches should include physiotherapy and/or walking school.These become more important if the tendon inflammation of the hip is due to a malposition, a difference in leg length or an asymmetrical gait pattern. In this case, it is important to treat the cause specifically.

Possible triggering factors such as leg length difference can be easily treated by wearing insoles to compensate for the difference. Meanwhile, the treatment of tendon inflammation includes electro and shock wave therapy. With the help of electrotherapy, low-frequency current flows can be used to effectively relieve the pain.

Shock wave therapy, on the other hand, uses sound waves to regeneratively support the tendons by releasing hormones that promote the healing process. As the last conservative treatment option, there are positive reports about acupuncture. If any conservative measures are not helpful, surgical treatment may be necessary.

However, this usually only occurs in more serious individual cases. Surgery aims to treat tendonitis triggering factors or accompanying symptoms. This can be, for example, the removal of an irritated and painful bursa that has been affected.

It happens that the tendons of the hip are irritated by a shortened tractus iliotibialis, as this exerts increased frictional pressure on the tendon due to its shortening. In such a case, the tractus iliotibialis can be surgically incised to lengthen it. This reduces the pressure on the tendons, resulting in pain relief.

The symptoms of tendon inflammation can be improved by means of certain exercises. The top priority is to maintain the correct level of stress. Especially at the beginning of the healing process it is essential to exercise the tendons of the hip only very lightly.

The hip should be brought back to the load step by step. In the case of tendon inflammation of the hip, careful stretching of the hip muscles is recommended. Further exercises are best taught by physiotherapists.

These stretching exercises are especially important for long-distance runners, as their muscles can otherwise cramp or tense up or even shorten the tendon parts. It is also useful to do exercises for the tractus iliotibialis. The tractus is shortened particularly frequently in runners and thus provokes increased irritation of the tendons.

A great advantage of these exercises is that not only the tractus iliotibialis is stretched, but also the hip muscles are strengthened at the same time. In conclusion, it should be mentioned that certain exercises can be used not only from a therapeutic point of view but also as prophylaxis. For example, before a load is placed on the hip, it is advisable to carry out a warm-up program with the above-mentioned stretching exercises of the hip muscles, including their tendons, in order to accustom the tendon and muscle apparatus to the upcoming load.

  • For example, an exercise is performed while lying down. The leg of the affected hip side is then grasped with the hand of the other side, pulled towards the torso and at the same time pulled inwards, i.e. towards the other leg. It is important that the back and the affected side of the hip continue to touch the surface as much as possible.

    In this position, affected persons usually feel a strong pull and sometimes slight pain in the corresponding muscles.

  • Stretching exercises can help with healing. For example, the adductor muscles are stretched with a spreading of the legs, whereby one leg is stretched and the other leg is bent. A slight pulling should be felt on the inside of the thigh.
  • The front of the thigh can be stretched by grabbing the foot with the hand while standing and bending it backwards to the maximum.
  • The lateral thigh can be stretched with the so-called tailor’s seat exercise.

    You sit on a chair, your left foot is positioned with the knee bent at 90° and the right foot is placed on the thigh. Now the right knee should be pressed with the hand towards the floor, so that a pulling in the lateral thigh can be felt.

Homeopathy, as a branch of complementary medicine, is particularly well suited as an alternative treatment for inflammation of the hip tendon. Homeopathy is now used in many other areas.

A very well-known remedy is Arnica montana. In the case of tendonitis, it mainly has an analgesic and decongestant effect.Further remedies are for example Rhus toxicodendron and Apis mellifica, which also counteract the pain symptoms as well as swelling and possible redness. The spectrum of homeopathic remedies is very broad, so a list of all possible remedies for the treatment of hip tendonitis would be too confusing.

In addition, the prescription is always based on the individual symptoms and the cause of the tendonitis. The way in which the homeopathic remedies are applied is variable. Typically, they are taken in the form of small balls, the so-called “globules”.

Ideally, the application should be continued for 2 weeks. The daily dosage can vary individually. As a rule, however, a 2x daily intake of 5 globules of the respective remedies is recommended.

In the treatment of inflammation of the hip tendon, drugs play an important role. They serve to relieve pain and inflammation. In the case of clearly localized pain, the use of pain ointments, creams or gels is recommended.

Voltaren® ointment as an example contains the active ingredient diclofenac from the substance group NSAR (“non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs”). This active ingredient can also be taken by mouth in tablet form. Other applicable painkillers contain active ingredients such as ibuprofen or ASS.

The advantage of these drugs is that they have both analgesic (=analgesic) and anti-inflammatory (=antiphlogistic) effects and are therefore optimal for the symptoms of tendonitis. Drugs such as paracetamol or Novalgin® can also be taken, but these only counteract the pain, not the inflammation. They therefore play a subordinate role, since they do not act on the cause of the pain.

Stronger painkillers from the group of opioids such as Tilidine or Tramadol are not actually prescribed for tendonitis, as the symptoms rarely reach extreme levels that would make these drugs necessary. An additional drug treatment option is the injection of certain substances. In the case of severe tendon inflammation, the drug cortisone from the glucocorticoid group can be injected.

On the other hand, local anesthetics such as xylocaine or procaine can be injected, especially in the acute stage. In very rare cases, antibiotics may be necessary if the tendon on the hip is inflamed due to an infection. However, an infection as a trigger for tendon inflammation is very untypical.