Treatment of pus pimples on the abdomen | Pimples on the belly

Treatment of pus pimples on the abdomen

The treatment of pus pimples on the abdomen depends on the cause. If allergens in clothing, food, washing powder or medication have caused the pimples, they must be avoided accordingly. If mites that have caused symptoms, various therapeutic measures are required.

Besides the treatment of the affected person it is important to identify and treat the contact persons. In the case of a certain type of mite (S. norvegica), a hospital admission with isolation of the affected person is necessary. Protective measures of the nursing staff are also important in this case.

Body and bed linen must be changed daily. In addition, the room and objects in the room must be disinfected daily. With S. norwegica, the affected person is usually pre-treated with 5-10% salicylvaseline.

For all mite species, permethrin is the first choice for basic therapy. A 5% cream is recommended for children and adults. For newborns a 2.5% cream is recommended until the 3rd month of life.

The cream is applied once for 8-12 hours. After 2 weeks this procedure is repeated. Alternatively in some cases crotamiton and bezyl benzoate are used.

Ivermectin is recommended for oral therapy. The quantity depends on the body weight: 200-400 μg/kg KG. Inadequate treatment may cause recurrent symptoms.

After healing, persistent, highly itchy skin rash on the abdomen and other parts of the body may occur. This complication is called postcabial eczema in technical jargon. It is important to interrupt the circulation of itching and scratching.

Cortisone preparations, polidocanol cream and antihistamines are used for this. If the pimples on the abdomen are caused by fleas, a symptomatic therapy is recommended. In some cases, antiseptic or corticosteroid-containing creams are used.The crucial point of the treatment is that the flea must be caught sooner or later.

Symptomatic treatment, for example with antihistamines or steroids, is also given in the case of bedbug infestation. If the pimples on the abdomen are caused by a fungal infection, anti-fungal agents are used. In these cases, thorough hygiene and disinfection must also be carried out.

In infants and small children, very itchy heat spots can be treated with a low concentration of cortisone ointment and antihistamines. If the pimples occur during pregnancy prurigo, moist compresses, UV radiation and anti-itching medication are usually recommended. If the pimples on the abdomen were caused by shaving, symptomatic and prophylactic treatment is advisable.

This means that during the next shave, the abdomen should be rinsed ice-cold. This closes the skin pores and reduces the risk of inflammation. One should pay attention to good razor blades that are less irritating to the skin and then apply a well-tolerated skin cream to the treated area. If it should be causative childhood diseases, appropriate measures must be taken. You will also find helpful information about the treatment in the following articles:

  • Skin fungus – What to do?
  • Skin rash from mites
  • Mites in bed – That helps best