Treatment of seborrheic eczema | The seborrheic eczema

Treatment of seborrheic eczema

Despite the currently still unknown cause of seborrheic dermatitis, various drugs have been developed which, when taken consistently, lead to very successful results. The treatment approach comprises three main points: a fungicide, an anti-inflammatory agent and a skin-care variant. Often it is not possible to combine all three points in one drug, so that it may be necessary to take different drugs depending on the severity of the condition.

Due to the high relapse rate, the treatment must be carried out as a long-term treatment over several months. For moderate to severe infestation, substances such as ketoconazole or Cotrimazole are used. These are dissolved in special shampoos and should be applied every time the hair is washed.

If areas of the body other than the scalp are affected, there are also ointments containing these active ingredients that should be applied to the affected skin areas. If the scalp is slightly affected, a fungal medication can be dispensed with for the time being. If the scalp is very oily, drying shampoos such as Dermowas or mineral salt shampoos should be used once a day.

Besides the fungal substances, tar-containing preparations such as LCD 5% or Ichthiol can also be applied. There are other shampoos that are often used in seborrhoeic eczema, especially because of their proven anti-inflammatory properties. Shampoos containing zinc or selenium disulfide should be mentioned here.

If the scalp is severely affected, it may also be considered to apply cortisone containing medication to the scalp for a short time. If the seborrheic eczema is very dry, shampoos containing salicylic acid can also be used. Salicylic acid has the effect of exfoliating excess skin and thus promotes skin regeneration.

If areas of skin on the body are affected, ointments are almost always used. Ketoconazole creams, Nizoral and Batrafen creams have shown good results when used regularly. They should be applied regularly as a thin layer to the affected skin area on the face and body.

It may also be necessary to treat particularly pronounced cases of seborrheic dermatitis systemically, i.e. with tablets.Even if areas of the body previously treated with ointments or creams or shampoo do not heal to satisfaction, a treatment attempt should be made with tablets. On the one hand, cortisone-containing medication is used and on the other hand, fungal medication in tablet form can also be taken. Antibiotic drugs such as tetracycline can also be used.

Decortin H is often used in combination with cortisones. It is important that the initial dose should be reduced at regular intervals to prevent a habituation effect in the body. In some cases, an accompanying UV treatment can also be used to help the foci heal more quickly.

Beside the numerous schoolmedical treatment beginnings gives from alternative medical treatment possibilities, which were already passed on over many years. The main approach here is to treat dry skin, which also leads to skin flakes in this context. Anything that makes the skin more moist can also be helpful in the treatment of seborrhoeic eczema and can also prevent it.

Applications with honey cures are often mentioned in this context. Here, the honey is not applied purely to the scalp, but a mixture is produced that consists of 90% pure bee honey and 10% water. Not the hair, but only the scalp should be brushed with this solution and by slow massaging the absorption should be accelerated.

After about 2 hours the solution should be washed out. The treatment should be done once a day for one month and then once a week for 5 months. After 6 months, the affected inflammatory skin areas should have disappeared and the risk of a new appearance should also be significantly reduced.

In addition to the honey cure, there are other tinctures that are also regularly applied to the scalp and should be washed off after about 20 minutes after a gentle massage. These tinctures consist of tea tree oil on the one hand and apple vinegar on the other hand. Apple cider vinegar should be diluted with water to reduce the irritating properties.

Some teas are also said to have a healing effect on seborrheic dermatitis. Dandelion tea or horsetail tea, drunk regularly, is said to heal seborrheic eczema and also have a preventive effect against the development of new foci. The diet should be balanced with foods low in sugar and fats, and the diet should include mostly whole grains, lots of vegetables and fruit.

Sweets should be avoided completely or the enjoyment should be greatly restricted. Alcohol and nicotine should also be avoided as far as possible. The hair should be washed once a day with a nourishing and non-irritating shampoo to ensure that the skin scales and sebum are removed from the scalp.