Treatment of the disease only with home remedies or only as supportive therapy? | Home remedies to treat a sore throat

Treatment of the disease only with home remedies or only as supportive therapy?

The treatment of sore throats can very often only be carried out with home remedies, since in many cases the complaints are based on a harmless cold caused by viruses. In this case a sufficient protection, as well as drinking a lot of tea and water in combination with the other above mentioned home remedies can lead to an improvement of the sore throat. If this is not the case and there are indications for another cause, a doctor should be consulted to discuss further treatment.

When do I have to go to the doctor?

Often sore throats are caused by harmless causes, such as a cold. Therefore, it is not necessary to consult a doctor every time a sore throat occurs. It is important to pay attention to when another cause of the sore throat could be present. Indications for this can be the occurrence of a strong fever, a clear deterioration of the general condition or a strong swelling in the throat area. A doctor should also be consulted if there is no improvement in the symptoms within a few days.

Home remedy for sore throats in children

Various home remedies can help against sore throats in children. Sufficient fluid intake is also very important for children, as it can support the immune system. Soups or stews are therefore a good way of ensuring that the body has enough liquid in addition to drinking water.

However, care should be taken to ensure that juices are not drunk or only drunk in small quantities, as the acid can cause additional pain.

  • Ginger sweets, for example, which are more likely to be accepted by many children, are suitable for strengthening the immune system than ginger tea.
  • Warm envelopes, for example with cooked potato slices in wraps, are also particularly suitable for overnight use. Of course you should make sure that the temperature of the wrapping is not dangerous.
  • Honey and inhalation with different oils can also be used for children. However, these should only be used from the age of three or four and only then under control, as allergic reactions can occur during inhalation.