Treatment of tonsillitis

Tonsillitis can affect anyone and be very unpleasant. By your behavior you can do a lot to help the tonsillitis subside more quickly. The most important thing is first of all to take sufficient physical protection in order not to prolong the tonsillitis and thus unnecessarily run the risk of rheumatic fever!

It is important to ensure a sufficient fluid intake in the form of water or tea. About 2-3 liters of fluid should be taken in every day, as the need increases during illness, especially when there is a fever. If swallowing difficulties are severe, one should avoid hard, solid food for the time being and prepare porridges and soups.

Highly acidic juices and foods can additionally irritate the almonds and should be avoided temporarily. Ice causes a pleasant cooling of the inflamed throat from within and can be used for treatment. Mouth/throat rinses with sage or chamomile tea have a calming and disinfecting effect.

The pharmacy offers numerous beneficial lozenges for the treatment of tonsillitis, which can calm the throat, numb the tonsils slightly in some cases and thus make swallowing easier. These drugs include Dorithricin ® and Lemocin ®. The throat should be kept warm with cloths or scarves.

To treat fever, antipyretic drugs such as paracetamol can be used. Also household remedies such as calf compresses can be very helpful. Ibuprofen relieves pain and at the same time has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Home remedy against tonsillitis

In case of tonsillitis, various home remedies can be used to alleviate the symptoms. Very effective, for example, is the quark wrap. For this, a linen cloth is coated with quark and the coated side is placed around the neck.

Then the whole thing is fixed with another dry cloth. As an alternative to quark, healing earth can also be used. The wrap should work for a few hours before it is removed.

Gargling with sage tea is also very helpful for tonsillitis. Sage has a disinfecting and anti-inflammatory effect and can be used in the form of tea for gargling, but can also be drunk. Camomile tea can be used in the same way.

If you do not want to gargle or drink the tea, you can also take a steam bath. To do this, place the tea in a bowl, cover your own head and the bowl with a towel and inhale the vapors. Ginger, horseradish and aloe vera are also effective against tonsillitis.

Aloe vera juice is available in health food stores and can contribute to the healing process by gargling every hour. In general, in the case of tonsillitis you should drink a lot so that the throat is flushed well. However, you should avoid drinks containing carbonic acid or fruit acid, as these only irritate the affected mucous membranes even more.

Physical protection is the basic prerequisite for recovery in the case of tonsillitis. The ill person should rest and not overexert himself. If the symptoms do not improve after a few days, it is essential to consult a doctor.

If necessary, the inflammation must be treated with medication. Quark cheese can be used for neck wraps, but other methods are also suitable for alleviating tonsillitis. In principle, there are two different approaches, the cold and the warm throat compress.

The cold compress is recommended in the acute phase, when swallowing difficulties, swelling, and a feeling of warmth occur. Swelling can be easily controlled by cold, as the cold reduces the blood flow in the swollen area. The cold also relieves the pain.

Wraps with cold water or cool packs are suitable for this. The latter, however, should not be applied directly to the neck, but should always be used with a kitchen towel. An application should be carried out for about half an hour, after which the neck must be given sufficient rest and warmth again.

Within one day 2-3 cold wraps can be applied. In the subacute phase, when the symptoms are already subsiding or the patient is shivering, warm compresses can be used. The water should not be hotter than 40 degrees.

The compress is also placed on the neck and left there for about half an hour. The temperature, duration and frequency of application are of course variable and depend on the patient’s condition.However, the neck – especially during cold treatment – should not be overstrained. In addition, warm or cold drinks are also suitable.