Treatment | The thigh contusion


Normally, the treatment of a thigh contusion is conservative. The so-called PECH-rule should be followed: General information on the type of treatment can be found here: The PECH rule Pain is usually treated with light painkillers such as ibuprofen. In addition, local pain or heparin ointments can relieve the pain and speed up the healing of the bruise.

In rare cases a bruise can be encapsulated. Then a connective tissue wall develops around the bruise. If this is the case, surgical removal of the bruise may be necessary.

However, this is not part of the regular course of a thigh contusion.

  • At first, a pause (P) of the activity is announced.
  • The use of ice (E) or cold as a means of counteracting swelling and bruising is central. In addition to regular use during the healing process, the application of cold immediately after the event can greatly improve the course.

    This is where cold spray comes in handy. This immediately constricts blood vessels and reduces the release of pain transmitters. A permanent cold therapy applied directly to the skin should be avoided to prevent frostbite.

  • Furthermore, compression (C) of the thigh can counteract swelling and heavy bruising.
  • The last step of the PECH rule is to elevate (H).

    This puts the leg at the same level as the heart and the blood does not “sink” into the legs. As a result, less blood and fluid is forced through the injured vessels and capillaries.

Thigh contusions are one of the many areas of application for kinesio tapes.It is an elastic, self-adhesive tape (ribbon), which is applied to the skin using various techniques according to the principles of kinesiology. Kinesio tapes are used in prophylaxis but also in the treatment of sports injuries or in pain medicine.

It is used by a large number of doctors and physiotherapists. So far there are no scientifically proven results or studies on the effectiveness of Kinesio-Tapes. Hypotheses on the mode of action are, for example, an improvement in blood circulation, activation of self-healing powers and irritation mediated via skin.

There are various taping techniques that you can use yourself. In the case of contusions of the thigh, a cross is first stuck over the affected area, the pain center is in the middle. Two further tapes complete the star-shaped formation.

A horizontally glued tape can be placed over the bruise. Another option focuses on promoting lymph drainage. In this case, tapes that are fanned out cranially (top) are glued to the bruise. Here, a more precise knowledge of the course of the lymph channels is important.