Treatment/Therapy | Dizziness in the menopause


The therapy of vertigo during menopause consists of several components. There are several medicinal and homeopathic remedies to alleviate the hormonal changes during the menopause and thus relieve the symptoms. However, a causal therapy of the climacteric is difficult and unsuitable because it is a natural process.

Dizziness can also be treated, but this is primarily a matter of treatment options that influence how the dizziness is dealt with. Calming and relaxing therapies are also used for menopausal dizziness, as they lower the stress level of affected persons and thus reduce in particular complaints such as stress and ringing in the ears. Which type of therapy is suitable for individual persons depends on which climacteric complaints are in the foreground.

Dizziness is a symptom or disease that in many cases cannot be treated well with medication. However, the symptoms of menopause can be treated with some medications. In any case, this reduces the stress for the women concerned, which can also reduce accompanying symptoms such as ringing in the ears and dizziness.

For example, affected women can take so-called anticholinergics in case of frequent sweating. These inhibit the formation of sweat in the sweat cells. Melatonin – a hormone that regulates our sleep-wake rhythm – also has a positive effect on climacteric symptoms and can therefore also be used to treat dizziness during the menopause.

A hormone replacement therapy during the menopause should always be carefully considered. The hormones can greatly reduce the symptoms of the menopause, but at the same time the risk of other diseases such as breast cancer and heart attacks increases. Therefore, these therapies should only be used if, for example, dizziness is particularly pronounced.

The body undergoes many changes during the menopause. Not all of these can and should be treated with medication, since it is a natural process in the body. In order to alleviate the symptoms, however, many herbal and homeopathic remedies are available, whereby attention should be paid to the interaction between the active ingredients. In the menopausal years, mainly monk’s pepper, red clover, grape silver candle, soy and tofu, as well as yarrow, goji berries and green tea are used. For dizziness, Argentum nitricum, Gelsemium sempervirens and Aconitum napellus can also be taken.