Treatment/Therapy | Grass mites


Bites of the mite larvae do not need to be treated medically, as long as they do not become inflamed. Only a symptomatic treatment is possible to alleviate the symptoms. If the itching is severe, the doctor may prescribe a so-called antihistamine.

Light cortisone ointments applied to the affected areas also help to alleviate the symptoms. Cooling compresses also help to relieve the itching and swelling. However, you should rather avoid household remedies such as lemon juice or vinegar.

They can cause further skin irritation and have no proven benefit. It is recommended that you shower thoroughly and wash the clothes you wear hot. The shoes worn should also be washed.

To be on the safe side, the floor should be vacuumed so that fallen larvae can be removed from the apartment or house. In case of an inflammation of the bite marks or a bacterial infestation, treatment with an antibiotic may be necessary. However, this is only very rarely the case.

One should rather refrain from household remedies in case of larval bites of the grass mite. Although some guidebooks recommend drizzling lemon juice or vinegar on the larval bites, these tips should not be followed.They may cause further skin irritation and do not help to alleviate the symptoms. Cooling compresses and cold yoghurt on the skin, on the other hand, help to reduce the swelling and itching. Also avoid the warmth of the bed. This lowers the itching threshold and increases the symptoms.

Grass mites in bed

Fortunately, you don’t have to worry about grass mite infestation in your house or apartment. It is simply not the natural habitat of the mite or even the mite larvae. Grass mites do not survive in the home bed and, unlike textile mites or bedbugs, do not settle there.

If you still want to play it safe, you should vacuum your floor and wash the clothes you wear hot after you have noticed larva bites. Then it is practically impossible that larvae are still hiding in the house. So don’t be afraid of grass mites in your bed. If bites continue to occur, especially after bed rest, it is more likely that bedbugs are hiding behind them.