Treatment | Twitching in the face


  • If the twitching is due to a lack of certain nutrients, the therapy is relatively simple. The affected person should concentrate on a conscious and balanced diet. Products containing sunflower or pumpkin seeds are particularly helpful against magnesium deficiency.

    Foods rich in potassium, such as potato dishes or avocado, can also improve the deficiency situation. Sodium can simply be added to food by sufficient salting. If an adequate supply cannot be guaranteed through diet, dietary supplements may also be used.

  • If the twitching is of psychological origin and can be attributed to stress or an emotionally stressful situation, relaxation can help.

    Every person should plan a fixed amount of time during the day for themselves, during which they will not be distracted by anything or anyone. Even restful and sufficient sleep can dissolve tensions – whether physical or mental.

  • If there is a neurological disease underlying the disease, a doctor should prescribe appropriate medication. If epilepsy has been diagnosed, these would be anticonvulsants such as Lamotrigin® or Valproat®.

    The drugs dampen the excitability of the nervous system and thus also the excitation of the muscles. In MS one works with cortisone and other immunomodulators (drugs that influence the immune system).

  • If the facial twitching is a symptom of poisoning, it must be specifically treated with detoxifying measures.
  • If the muscle twitches cannot be limited by the described treatment measures, there is still the possibility of Botox injection. Botox (botulinum toxin) is a nerve poison, which is also used in the context of beauty procedures. When injected, it paralyses the muscle by inactivating the responsible nerve.


The symptoms are tiny muscle contractions in the face. These can occur in different parts of the facial musculature, but are mainly concentrated in the mouth and eye area. Twitching on the eyelid is particularly common.

Affected persons describe the twitching as a tremor or fluttering of the eyelid. If facial twitching lasts longer, the affected person may also suffer from headaches. They try to suppress the involuntary movement and therefore become tense. Muscle twitching can be a symptom of various neurological disorders or occur in the context of an emotional stress situation. In both cases, the uncontrollable state usually has a negative effect on the mood of the person affected – the result is a depressed mood.