Treatment/What to do? | Abdominal pain and headaches – what is behind it?

Treatment/What to do?

If the abdominal pain or headache persists, it is important to find out the cause and treat it. If there is an infection with bacteria, it is usually necessary to take an antibiotic. If irritable bowel syndrome is diagnosed, a change in diet is usually necessary, as well as clarification of the cause and possible stress reduction.

This can often only be achieved by changes in lifestyle. If the cause is a long-standing and very severe migraine, it may be helpful to take painkillers or special drugs that help against stronger migraines (triptans) when the first symptoms announcing the migraine appear. If there is no obvious physical cause, the symptoms can also be triggered in response to excessive stress or other psychological strain.

In this case it is important to reduce the stress. In order to improve well-being, the signs can also be temporarily treated symptomatically. Pain-relieving medication such as ibuprofen, paracetamol or aspirin can help against headaches.

In the case of abdominal pain, a light diet is the first and easiest method of treatment. Fat-rich food and drinks should be avoided and only light foods such as rusks, bread or noodles without sauce should be eaten to relieve the gastrointestinal tract. If this does not help, a doctor should be consulted who can prescribe appropriate medication or enemas.

The best remedy for stomach pain is warmth in the form of a hot water bottle or a grain pillow. It can also help to relieve headaches, if the pain can be relieved. In addition, salt sticks and tea help to improve the symptoms of a gastrointestinal infection.

In the case of headaches, it is often felt as pleasant to put a cold cloth on your forehead. It is particularly important to make sure that you drink enough. Temple massage with peppermint oil can also provide relief, especially in the case of tension headaches. As headaches and stomach aches are often stress-related, the most important treatment is rest.

Abdominal pain and headaches in the child

Especially with children it is often difficult to identify the cause of pain. Children tend to always project all pain onto the abdomen. So if they complain of diffuse abdominal pain, which is usually indicated in the middle of the abdomen, it is always necessary to think of diseases where abdominal pain is not a typical symptom.

Often it is a harmless gastrointestinal infection that causes abdominal pain and headaches in children. Nausea, vomiting or diarrhoea can be added as further symptoms. If this persists for several days, a paediatrician should be consulted.

This is especially true in the case of very severe fluid loss and possible refusal to drink. In such cases, signs of dehydration must be recognised in good time and the doctor may have to give the child an infusion to ensure that he or she receives sufficient fluid. If the child suffers from very severe headaches, this is a warning signal, especially in combination with stiffness of the neck. It is important to consult a doctor to find out whether the child has meningitis (inflammation of the meninges). If this is the case, therapy must be started as soon as possible.