Treatment with home remedies | Dry corners of the mouth

Treatment with home remedies

If the corners of the mouth are dry, it is best to use greasy creams such as white chapstick or hand cream. These can prevent the initial drying out of the mouth as well as a deterioration of already dry corners of the mouth and thus a tearing of the corners. If cracks have already developed, regular cleaning and disinfection can protect against inflammation.

Also the application of herbal products such as aloe vera can be helpful and accelerate the healing process. Besides the external treatment it is also important to support the body from the inside. This includes sufficient intake of liquid, vitamins (especially vitamin C) and zinc. Furthermore, it is very important to protect the corners of the mouth, because if the mouth is opened too far or too quickly, it can tear again and thus unnecessarily delay the healing process.

How long does it take?

The duration of dry mouth corners can vary greatly. This depends especially on the cause. If only cold or warm and dry air causes the corners of the mouth to crack, they usually heal within a few days.

The process can be greatly accelerated by sparing and applying cream. It is important, however, that healing can only take place once the cause has been eliminated. If the immune system is weakened, the symptoms may even last for weeks and the corners of the mouth become infected, so that medical treatment may be necessary. Even in the case of deficiency symptoms, improvement can only occur after the respective deficiency has been remedied.

Dry corners of the mouth during pregnancy

Dry lips and corners of the mouth are a common problem during pregnancy. Many different reasons can be responsible for this. The most common one, however, is iron deficiency.This can be responsible for torn corners of the mouth even outside of a pregnancy.

Pregnant women need up to twice as much iron, which makes iron deficiency much more likely. Symptoms include dry mouth corners, brittle nails and hair as well as iron deficiency anemia, which manifests itself mainly through tiredness and fatigue. Other reasons for dry mouth corners in pregnant women are a changed hormone balance, a weakened immune system and increased stress. The frequent vomiting of acid stomach contents, caused by the typical morning sickness, can also irritate the mucous membranes and the corners of the mouth and lead to dry mouth corners.