TreatmentTherapy | Coplic stains


The treatment of a measles infection is purely symptomatic. This means that all drugs used only relieve the symptoms of the infection. The pathogen itself is not directly affected by this therapeutic measure.

Instead, it is the task of the body’s own immune system to successfully fight the virus. However, in order to optimally support the body’s own healing process, antipyretic drugs are often prescribed if necessary. However, these should not be used when the fever is low, but only when the child is clearly suffering.

The increased body temperature is a part of the defence reaction that is needed for increased metabolic processes.Usually, this suffering pressure can be observed in a clear listlessness, as well as decreasing drinking and eating. Then so-called antipyretics should be given. In children under four years of age, paracetamol is common after consultation with a doctor, and in older children the use of ibuprofen.

If there is additional pain in the area of the mucous membrane caused by the Koplik spots, this can be relieved with a local anesthetic. This is usually prescribed in the form of a tincture that can be brushed onto the affected areas before eating. However, it is rare that this measure is necessary in the context of a measles infection. Rather, it helps to stabilize the general condition of the child. Simple measures such as a mild bed rest and a sufficient fluid intake are therefore most important.


The duration of a measles illness can last up to three weeks. Koplik spots only appear at the beginning of the disease and disappear within a few days. In most cases they do not last longer than three days.

The typical fine spotted rash is rather an indicator for the duration of the disease. With the complete disappearance of the rash, the virus infection is usually over. However, because of the high risk of infection with measles, it is advisable to wait an additional few days until the child can go back to kindergarten or school. In addition, the child must surely be fever-free.