Trees with Healing Powers: Saw Palmetto to Cinnamon

Origin: the shrubby palm grows near the coast in the southern part of North America. The ripe, air-dried fruits are used for medicinal purposes. Effect: The main ingredients and active substances are steroids. They counteract male hormones and can prevent enlargement of the prostate (prostate gland). Discomfort during urination due to enlarged prostate improves with saw palmetto preparations.
Preparations: capsules
Indications: Benign enlargement of the prostate (stages I and II).
Caution: In rare cases leads to stomach complaints.
Tip: Even if symptoms improve, you should visit your doctor regularly to have your prostate checked.

Tea tree ensures clear skin

Origin: the evergreen tea tree belongs to the myrtle family and is native to Australia.

Effect: The essential tea tree oil is extracted from the leaves. The ingredients of the oil have bactericidal and fungicidal properties. Sometimes its use is recommended for rheumatic diseases and for stabilizing the immune system. However, its effectiveness for these areas is not scientifically proven.

Preparations: oils, capsules, pastilles, cream, bath additive, shower gel, shampoo, toothpaste, balm, lotions, drops.

Fields of application: Skin conditions such as mild acne and athlete’s foot.

Caution: Undiluted oil may cause contact dermatitis (skin inflammation) on pre-damaged skin.

Tip: Add 10 drops of oil to your warm foot bath if you have foot odor.

Willow against pain

Origin: the willow is a typical tree of Central and Southern Europe. In Europe alone there are 70 different species that grow as trees, but also as dwarf shrubs.

Effect: Acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) has been used as a proven painkiller for over a hundred years. In 1897, the German chemist Felix Hoffmann succeeded in producing this substance artificially. His model was salicylic acid, an ingredient in the bark of small willow twigs that was already used in the advanced civilizations of India and Egypt to reduce fever and relieve pain. Modern studies have also confirmed the anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic effects of willow bark.

Preparations: tea, capsules, dragées.

Indications: Rheumatic pain, headache

Caution: In case of hypersensitivity to salicylic acid.

Tip: Against morning stiffness helps to take in the evening.

Cinnamon – more than a spice

Origin: The evergreen cinnamon trees originate from southern China and India and can grow between six and twelve meters high, depending on the variety. From the inner bark is obtained one of the oldest spices.

Effect: Just like the spice, the cinnamon oils used for medicinal purposes are also extracted from the bark of the tree. It is distilled from the bark by means of steam. The ingredients of cinnamon stimulate the production of gastric juice and are therefore suitable for use in cases of loss of appetite and mild stomach cramps. In addition, cinnamon is said to help improve blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetes. Cinnamon has fallen into disrepute because of its coumarin ingredient, which can damage the liver in high doses. However, consumed as a spice, there is little danger. Aqueous cinnamon extract from the pharmacy contains only harmless amounts of coumarin.

Preparations: capsules, spice, bath additives.

Fields of application: Loss of appetite, stomach upset,type 2 diabetes.

Caution: Allergic skin and mucous membrane reactions; high coumarin concentrations in cassia cinnamon can damage the liver.

Tip: Ask for Ceylon cinnamon; it contains little coumarin and is safe for health.