Tummy Tuck: Abdominoplasty

An abdominoplasty (tummy tuck; abdominoplasty) is an abdominal surgical procedure that removes excess skin and tissue. It thus helps you achieve a new, slimmer and firmer body shape. The abdomen is the problem area of many men and women. Everyone wants to have a flat stomach, which they like to show and which they do not have to hide. But life circumstances such as radical diets or several pregnancies can cause the abdominal wall to sag.Dieting sometimes leads to the loss of fat, but the excess skin remains. Even after births, the skin does not always completely regress. As the number of births increases, so does the risk of sagging abdominal wall. The sagging skin is often referred to as “fat apron”, although this term is not correct, as most of it is skin and connective tissue.

Indications (areas of application)

  • After severe weight loss (weight reduction).
  • After several pregnancies to smooth the sagging abdominal wall.
  • For overlapping and apron formation

Before surgery

Before surgery, an intensive medical history discussion should be conducted that includes the patient’s medical history and motivation for the procedure. The procedure, any side effects, and the consequences of the surgery should be discussed in detail. Note: The requirements for the explanation are stricter than usual, since courts in the field of aesthetic surgery demand a “ruthless” explanation. Furthermore, you should be examined for hip asymmetry. A study indicates that most patients have a crooked hip, which can significantly affect the surgical outcome and patient satisfaction. Prior to an abdominoplasty, do not take acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), sleeping pills or alcohol for a period of seven to ten days. Both acetylsalicylic acid and other painkillers delay blood clotting and can lead to unwanted bleeding.Smokers should severely limit their nicotine consumption as early as four weeks before the procedure to avoid jeopardizing wound healing.

The surgical procedure

Abdominoplasty is performed under general anesthesia. Subsequently, a hospital stay of three to ten days is required.To remove the excess tissue, a long incision must be made in the bikini area. The resulting scar can usually be covered by bikini or swim trunks. The skin is separated from the underlying muscles. Depending on the situation, the muscles are shortened and the excess skin is removed. Sometimes any excess fatty tissue that is still present can be suctioned out. Since the entire skin of the abdomen is moved downward during the tummy tuck, the belly button must be moved upward during the operation. The wound edges are then sutured and so-called drains are placed to allow blood and tissue fluids to drain. A bandage protects the surgical wound for the first few days.Compression pants are applied while the patient is still under anesthesia.

After the operation

In the first days after the operation, a feeling of tension and soreness occur due to the tightening of the tissue. The soreness usually subsides within days, but the feeling of tightness lasts up to 4-6 weeks.Drains are usually pulled out the following day. After a few days, the bandage is removed. Stitches are removed one to two weeks after the operation. Compression pants must be worn for several weeks. The final result is visible only after a few months, because the scars are still fading with time and the healing process is lengthy.

Possible complications

  • More severe bleeding cannot be ruled out, so in rare cases a blood transfusion may be required.
  • Local infections are very rare; inflammation of the subcutaneous fascia is very dangerous (life-threatening), but extremely rare
  • Sensory disturbances in the area of the skin scars are possible, but these usually recede after a few weeks. In the area of the surgical scar, however, a feeling of numbness may remain.
  • Circulatory and wound healing disorders may occur in the area of the wound edges. This possible complication is typical for smokers.
  • External incisions can form scars, which, however, usually fade and become tender; here, if necessary, in case of wound healing disorders or predisposition, keloids (bulging scars) and / or skin discoloration can occur (rare)
  • The use of electrical devices (eg, electrocoagulation) may cause leakage currents, which can lead to skin and tissue damage.
  • Positioning on the operating table can cause positional damage (e.g., pressure damage to soft tissues or even nerves, resulting in sensory disturbances; in rare cases, this can also lead to paralysis of the affected limb).
  • In case of hypersensitivity or allergies (e.g. anesthetics/anesthetics, drugs, etc.), the following symptoms may temporarily occur: Swelling, rash, itching, sneezing, watery eyes, dizziness or vomiting.
  • Infections, after which severe life-threatening complications concerning heart, circulation, breathing, etc. occur, are very rare. Similarly, permanent damage (eg, paralysis) and life-threatening complications (eg, sepsis / blood poisoning) after infections are very rare.
  • As after any surgical procedure, thrombosis (formation of a blood clot) may occur, with the possible consequence of embolism (occlusion of a blood vessel) and thus pulmonary embolism (danger to life). Thrombosis prophylaxis leads to a reduction in risk.


A tummy tuck will help you achieve a new, slimmer and firmer body shape.Such a procedure can significantly increase your self-confidence and bring back your zest for life.