Tumorous diseases | The skin diseases of humans at a glance

Tumorous diseases

A basalioma describes a certain type of skin cancer. This tumor originates from the so-called basal cells of the epidermis. Metastases (daughter tumors) form this tumor very rarely, which is why it is medically classified as semi-malignant, i.e. semi-malignant.

Basal cell carcinomas occur in the face in most cases. Risk factors for the development are intensive sunlight and chemical pollutants such as arsenic. Typical are a pearl-like border wall and the small vessels that grow into the tumor (telangiectasia).

A basal cell carcinoma can be well treated by surgery or radiation. A spinalioma is a malignant degeneration of the cells on the skin surface with uncontrolled proliferation. The tumor does not spread in depth but in width and for this reason is also called a horizontally growing tumor.

Metastases rarely occur. The main risk factor for the development of a basal cell carcinoma is chronic sunlight. There are numerous therapy options available.

For example, the tumor can be irradiated. However, surgical resection is preferred in most cases. Malignant melanoma describes a highly malignant tumor that originates from the pigment cells (melanocytes) of the skin.

Melanomas metastasize rapidly via the lymphatic tract and blood to other organs. Risk factors for the development are liver spots, severe sunburn and also genetic factors. The prognosis of this tumor depends on the stage (stage I-IV) and the metastases.The most important therapeutic measure is the surgical removal of the melanoma with a certain safety margin.

Lipomas are prallelastic nodes that lie under the skin. This is a benign growth that develops from fat cells of the subcutaneous fatty tissue. As a rule, they do not cause any complaints.

Lipomas can occur in various places, such as on the back or breast. Exact causes are not yet known. One assumes a genetic disposition. The therapy consists of a surgical removal of the lipoma.

Genetically caused skin diseases

Psoriasis is a chronic, inflammatory disease. The skin cells migrate through the individual skin layers much faster than normal. Typical predilection sites are the scalp, the extensor side of the arms and legs, the navel and the anal fold.

The cause for the development of this disease pattern is a certain genetic disposition (antigen HLA-1 and HLA-2) and external environmental factors. The therapy consists of skin care with various ointments, such as an ointment containing salicylic acid. In addition, ointments containing glucocorticoids (cortisone) can be used in psoriasis attacks.

The term albinism is derived from the Latin word for white, “albus”. Those affected suffer from a lack of pigment, which is manifested by very light skin and hair color. The cause of this disease is a mutation of the genes that code for the color pigment melanin.

The risk of sunburn and skin cancer is increased. Unfortunately, the therapy of the present gene defect is not yet possible. For this reason, these patients should pay special attention to UV protection.

This disease is a genetic defect of the DNA repair enzymes. As a result, the damage to the DNA caused by UV rays can no longer be repaired. This leads to increased light sensitivity (photosensitivity), premature skin aging and an increased risk of skin cancer.

A therapy for this genetic defect is currently not available. Affected patients should avoid UV rays and be regularly examined for skin changes. The neurocutaneous melanosis describes a rare skin disease in which parts of the brain and also the spinal cord can be affected.

The exact causes of this disease are not yet fully understood. The affected persons show large liver spots all over the body. The diameter of these liver spots can be up to 40cm.

They are caused by accumulations of melanocytes (pigment-producing cells of the skin). A specific therapy is not available. Patients should have the liver spots regularly examined by a dermatologist, as they have an increased risk of developing cancer cells.