Turmeric (Curcuma domestica)

Plant description

It is native to Asia, where it is cultivated. It resembles the ginger plant. Persistent, herbaceous plant with branched, fleshy and aromatic, intensely yellow roots.

From it emerges a leaf bundle with long, lancet-like leaves. Curcuma grows up to 1 m high and forms spiky inflorescences. Longish capsule fruits are formed from them.

Medicinally used plant parts

The rhizome, dug as soon as the above-ground parts of the plant begin to wilt. One separates the pear-shaped tubers and thick root branches from the adhering fine roots, washes them and immerses them in boiling water. This spreads the yellow color from the secretion cells over the entire tuber. Afterwards the tuber is dried in the sun.


Essential oil, bitter substances, curcumin, starch.

Curative effects and application

The yellow dye curcumin promotes emptying of the gall bladder, the essential oil increases bile production. The drug also has weak anti-inflammatory properties. Indicated for digestive problems due to reduced bile production.

However, the drug is almost never used as a remedy. In contrast, curcuma is very well known and popular as a spice. Curcuma is an important component of curry.

Application in homeopathy

Curcuma is also used here to promote bile production. Mostly in the potencies D1 to D3.

Side effects

No side effects are expected at normal dosage. Do not use if the bile ducts are blocked.