

Twitching is the term used to describe muscle twitches, which can be divided into two different types. On the one hand there is the activation of muscle fibers, which does not lead to any movement in the body, but only to a localized tension in the muscle tissue. They are called fasciculations and are often described as “trembling” of the skin.

On the other hand, there are such twitches that can be recognized as movement from outside. In the latter case, it is usually not only a few muscle fibers but entire muscle bundles that are tensed. As a rule, a twitch describes an uncontrollable action of the body. The contraction (tensing) of the muscle tissue can be triggered by the supplying nerve, but also by errors at the level of the muscle cells.


Most people have experienced twitching in their own bodies. These are short muscle movements that often cannot be seen from the outside. They only become disturbing when the muscle contractions occur repeatedly or develop into cramps.

In the majority of cases, twitches have no disease value or are merely caused by imbalances in the water and electrolyte balance (body salts). Magnesium deficiency is probably the most common reason for this. Likewise, pinched nerves or circulatory disorders can lead to twitches.

This can be counteracted by sufficient exercise and a healthy, balanced diet. Physical or mental stress is also an important trigger for twitches (“nervous twitching”). If the twitching occurs for the first time after taking a new medication, an adverse drug reaction should always be ruled out and the medication changed if necessary.

Diseases in which twitching is a symptom mainly affect the nervous system or impair the function of the muscle cells. Examples are neurological clinical pictures such as epilepsy, multiple sclerosis or tic disorders, but also metabolic disorders, thyroid diseases or the side effects of drug abuse. Overall, however, it can be said that twitching without a disease value occurs significantly more frequently than is the case with symptomatic muscle twitches.