Two times 3 against 3 in handball

The two times three against three is a variant of the target game handball and is used in the field of E-youth and D-youth. Individual sports federations use this form of mini handball as a supplement to the 6+1 game in one half of the game. The regulations are subject to the individual associations.

In the target game Twice three against three, age-specific aspects are taken into account, taking into account the level of requirements and training. The Twice Three against Three game is particularly effective in developing the ability to perceive and solve game situations. In addition, the proximity to the target game of handball leads to the training of conditional and coordinative performance prerequisites.

A wide range of variation possibilities enables the trainer to offer a differentiated and attractive training in youth handball. Two teams play with the normal number of 6 field players and a goalkeeper who is not allowed to leave his goal area. The playing field is divided into two halves, an attacking half and a defensive half, with three players in the attacking half and three players in the defensive half.

The center line may not be crossed by any player. After a successful completion of the goal, the goalkeeper immediately brings the ball back into play. He may pass the ball anywhere. During the game, the players can and should change the attacking and defensive positions. However, it is obligatory to make a touchdown from the center line to ensure that the ratio “3:3” is always maintained.

Tips for the practice

  • Make sure that each player can act both in attack and defense. (rotation principle)
  • The score of the game is determined by the number of goals multiplied by the number of scorers, thus ensuring that everyone throws on goal.
  • The goalkeeper may pass the ball only over the center line. (note skill level)
  • Man coverage from the center line
  • Choose a smaller playing field.
  • The number of players varies to provoke advantages in attack and defense.
  • Creative leeway of the trainer

In this form of play, all players are required to work together creatively, socially and actively.

In the game form two times three against three, all players have significantly more ball contacts than in the conventional “6+1” variant. Inevitably “1:1” situations arise with the important man coverage in handball. The players have to be constantly aware of the situation in attack as well as in defense and have to decide according to the situation.

A passive game is hardly possible. Due to the reduced number of players in one half, the perception of special situations is much easier.