Typical exercises | Speed training

Typical exercises

The classic exercises for a speed training include high accelerations, multiple changes of pace, many changes of direction and starts from different positions. Catch games are especially suitable for warming up before a speed training. One or more catchers ensure hardly any standstill, lots of movement and fast reactions.This is followed by classical exercises for speed training.

Long jump from a standing position is an excellent exercise for training the lower and upper thighs as well as the gluteal and trunk muscles. The feet are placed on the floor about shoulder width, the athlete pushes himself/herself/themselves with maximum force from the floor and swings the legs forward as far as possible. This exercise is repeated five times and is performed in a total of three sets with a corresponding break of two minutes.

One exercise for speed training of the forearms is the throw from the inverted wrist. In this exercise, a ball is held in the hand so that the inner surface of the hand is facing down. The arm position is such that the elbow has a 90 degree angle.

Now the wrist is bent down as much as possible. From this position the ball is now thrown forward as strongly and explosively as possible. Here too, care should be taken to ensure a corresponding set pause.

Five repetitions are completed in three sets each before the training for the forearms is finished. A partner exercise for speed training is bouncing in different directions. To do this, you can draw or lay a tik tak toe field on the street or any other surface.

The boxes are numbered from one to nine, so there are nine different fields. A partner starts in the middle on the number five. The second partner stands next to it and now starts to randomly pronounce numbers between one and nine at a predetermined time interval.

The first partner must now react and jump into the corresponding field as quickly as possible. The repetitions between five and eight can be freely chosen. However, only two sentences should be performed here due to the rapid exhaustion.