Unilateral and bilateral contractions | Exercise contractions

Unilateral and bilateral contractions

In classic exercise contractions, the entire lower abdomen normally becomes hard because the uterus contracts for a short time. Depending on the position of the child, however, the hardening may also feel distinctly one-sided. The child’s head in particular can be felt as a hard resistance.

If the child lies with its head very much to the side and pushes the uterine wall outwards, the abdomen may feel harder at this point even under an exercise contraction. This is deceptive, however, because the child’s head is felt at this point. If the baby presses particularly hard against one side of the uterine wall, this can also result in a hardened abdomen on one side, even though no particular uterine contraction has taken place. In this case, only the baby’s hard little head is felt, not a contracted uterus. However, a hardening of the abdomen on both sides speaks in favor of a classic exercise contraction, since the entire uterus contracts in the process.

How painful are exercise contractions?

Characteristic for exercise contractions is usually their painlessness. The contractions of the uterus can be felt by the pregnant woman. The abdomen can also be felt from the outside as hard as a board during an exercise contraction. Although this feeling may seem unfamiliar and unpleasant at first, real pain should not occur during exercise contractions. If, on the other hand, the contractions are accompanied by a marked pulling in the back and abdomen and the pain radiates to the groin, this may be an indication that the pre-digital contractions have already started and that birth is approaching.

When should I go to the doctor with active labor pains?

Exercise contractions are initially no cause for concern and fulfill an important task as training the uterus for the birth. Under certain circumstances, however, they are not physiological, so a doctor should be consulted. This is the case if the exercise contractions occur well before the 20th week of pregnancy. A doctor should also be consulted if the active contractions occur more than three times an hour and become stronger. This is also the case if the active contractions become regular or are accompanied by severe pain.Bleeding, any discharge or the loss of the mucus plug are not part of an exercise contraction, so that a doctor should be consulted urgently in case of such symptoms!