Unilateral testicular swelling | Testicular swelling

Unilateral testicular swelling

A unilateral testicular swelling usually occurs more frequently than bilateral changes. It can occur in children as well as in adults. In most cases a unilateral swelling is caused by a twisting of a testicle, the so-called testicular torsion.

It occurs preferably in childhood. Inflammatory changes of the epididymis can also lead to a one-sided swelling. In the context of an inguinal hernia a one-sided swelling of the testis also occurs in most cases. The affected side is the side on which the hernia is located. In most cases, tumorous changes also manifest themselves only on one testicle.

Testicular swelling after inguinal hernia surgery

As a result of surgical treatment of an inguinal hernia, a swelling of the testicle often develops. In the case of an inguinal hernia, the area where surgery is performed lies directly above the testicle. Due to a surgical intervention, there is always a swelling and irritation of the affected tissue and clearly visible bruising can develop.

Since the inguinal canal is anatomically very narrow, the swelling resulting from the inguinal surgery spreads further towards the testicles, since there is more space available there. This can result in massive swelling of the testicles and a marked discoloration due to bruising. In order to prevent testicular swelling as a result of groin surgery, affected men are often advised to wear very tight-fitting underpants after the operation.

They are usually very comfortable to wear, have an analgesic effect and reduce the occurrence of severe testicular swelling. If despite this preventive measure a testicular swelling still occurs, it can be counteracted with a so-called testicular bench. Through this testicular bench the testicle can be raised, which leads to a relief.

A swelling of the testicle after groin surgery is a known complication and is not dangerous. After a few days the swelling is clearly reduced and healed after about 2 weeks. If the swelling does not subside and there is also severe pain, a doctor should be consulted.