Unsuitable food | Food and Cholesterol

Unsuitable food

Products from this group are rich in fat and saturated fatty acids. Also the Cholesteringehalt is too high in most products. Therefore the consumption avoid or drastically limit.

Edible fats Meat Fish Milk and dairy products Eggs Grain products Potatoes Confectionery Beverages Spices and sauces

  • Butter, clarified butter, lard, coconut fat, palm kernel fat, fats with chemically hardened oils like some margarines and frying fats.
  • Generally fat meat, goose, duck. Bacon, minced meat, offal, all kinds of high-fat sausages (spreadable sausage, meat sausage, black pudding, etc. )
  • Eel, caviar and all high-fat fish except the cold water fish herring, salmon, mackerel and tuna.
  • All fatty dairy products like whole milk, cream, crème fraiche. Sour cream, cream quark, cream yoghurt and all types of cheese with a fat content of more than 30% in dry matter.
  • No more than 3 eggs per week
  • Fatty breads (some toasts and baguettes), croissants, pasta with egg.
  • All commercially available baked goods such as cakes, coffee pieces with white flour, high fat content and lots of sugar. Cookies, salty and cheese cookies.
  • All potato preparations with unsuitable fats (butter, clarified butter) and high fat content such as French fries from the deep fryer or potato chips.
  • Chocolate and all chocolate products, nut nougat cream, cream ice cream and milk ice cream, marzipan, confectionery
  • Unfiltered coffee and drinking chocolate with cream
  • Mayonnaise, Remoulade

Nutrition in combined (mixed hyperlipidemia)

Here the pattern of blood lipid increases is very different and subject to fluctuations. Accordingly, different priorities must be set in nutrition therapy. If the total and LDL cholesterol is increased, the rules of a cholesterol-lowering diet apply first and foremost. With increased Cholesterinwerten (LDL highly, HDL low) and simultaneous increase of the triglycerides it is recommended to increase the portion of simply insatiated fatty acids (olive oil, rapeseed oil, nut oil) to reduce saturated fatty acids from animal products. In addition, it is recommended to eat cold-water fish regularly, to increase the dietary fiber content of the daily food and not to drink alcohol.