Urinary tract infection in the baby | Urinary tract infection

Urinary tract infection in the baby

Even babies can already suffer from a urinary tract infection. Especially in infancy the diagnosis is much more difficult. If the child has symptoms such as fever, vomiting, increased tiredness or strong crying and irritability, loss of appetite or abnormalities in the urine (blood in the urine, foul-smelling urine), these can be signs of a urinary tract infection.

However, other diseases may also be possible. In any case, the treating pediatrician should be consulted, who can take further diagnostic measures. The doctor needs a urine sample to make a diagnosis.

Of course, this is difficult to do, especially with babies who are not yet potty trained. The doctor will give the parents a urine bag which has to be glued on. If the diagnosis of a urinary tract infection is confirmed, antibiotic treatment is usually started.

For very young children, antibiotics are available in liquid form. If the child’s general condition is poor, if he or she has nothing to drink, or if he or she has a very high fever, a hospital stay with intravenous infusion therapy may be necessary. Urinary tract infections in children up to 2 years of age are always considered complicated. They require rapid antibiotic treatment.

Urinary tract infection in the child

Urinary tract infections can occur at any age. In addition, at any age, there is also the risk that an inflammation, if left untreated, can spread to the kidneys with the development of a dangerous inflammation of the renal pelvis. In slightly older children, the diagnosis may be somewhat easier to make, for example if the children complain of burning pain when they urinate and often have to go to the toilet.

However, unspecific symptoms such as abdominal pain may also occur. As with adults, the diagnosis is made by examining the urine. In small children, urine can be collected from a pot, and somewhat older children may even be able to urinate in a designated cup with support. If there is a urinary tract infection, antibiotic treatment is usually initiated in children. In addition to drug therapy, it is important that the children drink a lot to flush the urinary tract sufficiently.