Use of an ointment for coccyx fistula

Every year, more than 20,000 people in Germany contract coccyx fistula. These inflammations, which form in the coccyx region, are mostly chronic diseases. The fistula exits are mostly superficial and become inflamed more or less frequently due to various factors.

In almost every case, such an inflammation is a painful affair. So far, the only possibility of an almost complete healing is the surgical removal of the coccyx fistula. With the help of other treatment techniques, the current suffering can only be alleviated.

These corresponding therapies include the use of ointments. Here, one can differentiate between the benefits that the applied ointment should bring. However, it must be emphasized that ointments do not bring about a cure for coccyx fistulas.

Ilon – Abscess Ointment

The “Ilon® Abscess Ointment”, which is now sold under the name “Ilon® Ointment classic”, is a so-called traction ointment. It is intended to help open the focus of inflammation that develops at the fistula exit and accelerate healing. Thanks to its herbal active ingredients, the ointment has a disinfecting effect on the tissue and thus fights germs that are escaping or on their way in.

The blood circulation is promoted and thus the dead inflammatory tissue is quickly removed. The tissue’s tendency to inflammation is weakened by these factors and the healing process can begin. If the ointment heals the acute inflammation, this does not mean that the coccyx fistula is healed.

As long as the fistula ducts are located inside the tissue, diseases (recurrences) can occur again and again. Side effects are frequently reported in connection with the use of “Ilon® Abscess Ointment”. However, these are mainly limited to itching to burning skin rash, general itching or redness in the treated area.

In some cases, an allergic reaction may occur due to the application of the ointment. However, all side effects are described by the users as short-lived. After the treatment is finished, all symptoms will disappear quickly.