Used potencies | Homeopathic medicines

Used potencies

The potency levels given below for the individual homeopathic remedies described are listed in the order of their most frequent occurrence in prescriptions. Normally the potency levels listed under “Common” are sufficient. However, it must be said that in homeopathy there is no binding rule for the potency level to be applied.

The dosage varies from patient to patient and is adapted to the individual case. In general, lower potencies are preferred in the recommendation, but this does not exclude the possibility that one or the other case responds better to higher potencies. If one wants to go beyond D 6, it is recommended to take a larger step in potentizing. The transition from D 6 to D 12 has proven to be successful.

Combination of single remedies with other homeopathics

According to the principles of homeopathy, each treatment is carried out with a single remedy individually adapted to the patient and his or her particular clinical picture. The different remedies can be used for different diseases. If, exceptionally, two remedies have been prescribed, they are taken alternately from day to day.

However, there are also so-called complex remedies. These are combinations of homeopathic single remedies with similar and complementary effects and usually low potency. They have a symptom-oriented, organ-related effect and influence the disease in a targeted manner.

They are especially suitable for diseases without individual symptoms. They have a broad spectrum of action and can therefore be used for a variety of common diseases. This enables even the homeopathically less experienced therapist to treat his patients with a proven homeopathic remedy according to their illness.Homeopathic complex remedies are ready-to-use medicines with a trade name and recommendations for use.

They can be found in large numbers on the pharmaceutical market. Example: The complex remedy “Aconitum Pentarkan” consists of the individual remedies: The field of application of this finished drug is derived from the drug images of the various individual drugs. The combination is effective:

  • Aconitum
  • Belladonna
  • Bryonia
  • Ferrum phosphoricumandGelsemium.
  • Acute, flu-like infections (dry fever, no sweat, sore throat, restlessness)
  • Middle ear inflammation.