Usual dosage | Magnesium phosphoricum

Usual dosage

Common dose application in homeopathy:

  • Tablets Magnesium phosphoricum D3, D4, D6, D12
  • Ampoules Magnesium phosphoricum D8, D12

Magnesium phosphoricum ointment

Since magnesium phosphoricum supports the building of bones and teeth, especially through its phosphorus content, it can help small children and babies, especially while they are teething. Here it supports the breakthrough of the teeth and can also alleviate the pain during this process. It can also help to support bone growth.

Each Schüssler salt can also help with certain psychological processes. Magnesium phosphoricum is considered a proven remedy for separation anxiety or pain and can therefore be used, for example, during the time of weaning. For children who get homesick quickly or who cannot be well separated from their parents, the administration of Magnesium Phosphoricum can also help to overcome these fears.