Uterine Fibroids (Uterus Myomatosus, Leiomyomas): Drug Therapy

Therapeutic Objective

  • Improvement of symptoms by drug control of bleeding disorders (hypermenorrhea, menometrorrhagia) or preoperative reduction of fibroids.

Therapy recommendations

  • Estrogen-progestin single-phase preparations, progestin preparations, intrauterine device with progestin (levonorgestrel) for drug control of bleeding disorders.
  • Ulipristal (ulipristal acetate; progesterone receptor modulator) for preoperative (“before surgery”) reduction of fibroids.
  • See also under “Further therapy“.

Note: The EMA Safety Committee reviews ulipristal acetate-containing agents used for therapy in uterine fibroids. It recommends discontinuing the use of 5 mg ulipristal acetate for treatment in uterine fibroids for the period of the current risk assessment (March 23, 2020). EMA recommends revoking marketing authorization for ulipristal acetate for uterine fibroids (Sept. 4, 2020)