Uterine Inflammation (Endometritis): Therapy

General measures

  • Observance of the general hygiene measures!
  • Genital hygiene
    • Once a day, the genital area should be washed with a pH neutral care product. Washing several times a day with soap, intimate lotion or disinfectant destroys the natural acid mantle of the skin. Pure water dries out the skin, frequent washing irritates the skin.
    • It is recommended to use disposable washcloths.
    • Showering is better than bathing (softening the skin).
    • Wash hair separately to avoid wetting the vulva (external genitals) with shampoo.
    • Drying the skin dabbing with a soft absorbent towel or a cool hair dryer held far away.
    • Putting on underwear only when the skin is absolutely dry.
    • Underwear should be changed daily and be breathable (cotton materials).
    • Synthetic materials impermeable to air create an ideal breeding ground for pathogens.
    • Use of plain, non-colored toilet paper.
    • Use of non-perfumed sanitary napkins or panty liners.
  • In the presence of fever:
    • Bed rest and physical rest
    • Fever below 38.5 °C does not necessarily need to be treated!
    • For fevers above 39 °C, calf compresses can help to lower the temperature, which often leads to an improvement in the condition.
    • After the fever still a fever-free day of rest, if necessary longer (mainly bed rest and stay indoors).
  • Nicotine restriction (refrain from tobacco use).
  • Limited alcohol consumption (men: max. 25 g alcohol per day; women: max. 12 g alcohol per day).