Vaginal Infections: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Vaginal infections or vaginal infections include all diseases in which inflammation occurs in the vaginal area. The causes are varied and numerous, so a thorough gynecological examination is essential to treat the disease in a targeted manner. However, the chances of cure are good in Germany.

What are vaginal infections?

Vaginal infections are among the most common conditions that bring patients to gynecologists. Various causes, including excessive intimate hygiene, mechanical overstimulation – known as honeymoon syndrome – and antibiotic use, lead to disruption of the vaginal flora. A healthy vaginal flora is characterized above all by the number of lactic acid bacteria. These keep the natural acidic environment of the vagina in a pH range of 4 – 4.5 and thus prevent the multiplication of harmful germs. In a disturbed vaginal flora, harmful pathogens can multiply and trigger the various inflammatory vaginal infections. Symptoms are varied and depend on the particular pathogen.


The most important pathogens of vaginal infections will be briefly introduced below. All of them, in excessive numbers, cause increased discharge, burning and/or itching of varying severity, and swelling or redness. Typical of a bacterial vaginal infection, caused in particular by Gardnerella vaginalis, is the fishy odor of the discharge. The most important triggers of viral vaginal infections are herpes simplex viruses and human papilloma viruses. Herpes simplex is manifested by the vesicles on the vagina known from cold sores. Human papilloma viruses cause mostly benign genital warts, which are rather visually disturbing and rarely cause symptoms. However, cell changes and subsequent cervical cancer can also occur. Most vaginal infections are caused by the yeast Candida Albicans, which is characterized by discharge that looks like cottage cheese and pain during urination. If the vaginal infection was caused by protozoa, which can be found in the mucous membranes, the discharge will be pungent-smelling and foamy. Another risk factor is the transmission of pathogens during sexual intercourse.

Typical and common vaginal infections

  • Bacterial vaginosis
  • Vaginitis (inflammation of the vagina)
  • Vaginal fungus (vaginal mycosis)
  • Vaginal discharge
  • Genital herpes (genital herpes)
  • Chlamydia (chlamydial infection)

Symptoms, symptoms and signs

Depending on the type and severity, vaginal infections can cause different symptoms. Bacterial vaginosis is manifested primarily by skin irritation in the lower abdomen, such as pain, itching or redness. Accompanying this, a thin, whitish-gray discharge may be noticed. There is also an unpleasant, sour-smelling intimate odor. In aminvaginosis, the doctor may notice a significantly elevated pH of more than 4.5. A fungal infection of the vagina causes severe itching and burning in the vagina as well as in the surrounding intimate area. In addition, swelling and redness occur. Coatings or encrustations may form in the area of the labia and clitoris, which occasionally smell unpleasant. A fungal infection is also manifested by yellowish-white or grayish discharge from the vagina, which, however, is usually odorless. Viral vaginosis causes comparable symptoms, but is more protracted. Infection with trichomonads is asymptomatic in 85 percent of cases. Possible signs are vaginal discharge, pain during urination and intense itching. Vaginal infections usually subside after a few days. The typical symptoms cause severe discomfort in affected women. Normally, however, vaginosis is relatively harmless and can be treated well. Late effects or chronic complaints are unlikely.

Diagnosis and course

Based on the symptoms described, the gynecologist obtains initial indications of the causative agent of the vaginal infection. In particular, an accurate description of the observed resolution and sexual behavior before the appearance of the first symptoms are important. To diagnose a disturbed vaginal flora, define the pH value and reliably determine the trigger, the gynecologist takes a swab from the vagina and prepares a bacterial and fungal culture.A close examination of the vagina is also helpful. In the case of an infection caused by protozoa, the swollen, highly sensitive vaginal mucosa is noticeable. An infection with herpes simplex or human papilloma viruses also shows up in the physical examination through the typical skin symptoms. Prognosis is usually good; only infection with human papilloma virus can lead to serious disease.


Vaginal infections do not usually cause major complications. Initially, bacterial vaginosis causes pain during urination or sexual intercourse and can severely affect well-being. If the condition is chronic, it can subsequently lead to psychological complaints such as depression or inferiority complexes. The greatest danger in bacterial vaginosis comes from gynecological inflammation. Especially the external genital area, the vaginal entrance, the fallopian tubes and the mucous membrane of the cervix are susceptible to infection. If a vaginal infection occurs during pregnancy, there is an increased risk of miscarriage. In addition, there is a risk that those affected will infect their partner unnoticed and thus become ill again themselves. When treating a vaginal infection, the risks come from inappropriate and improperly applied treatment measures. Excessive intimate hygiene, for example, can exacerbate the symptoms in some cases. The use of irritating care products can promote irritation and, in the worst case, lead to spread of the infection to other parts of the body. The use of antibiotics is associated with various side effects and interactions. For example, stomach pain, diarrhea or skin irritation often occur.

When should you go to the doctor?

Vaginal infections make a visit to the gynecologist necessary at the latest when there are noticeable symptoms. Reasons to see a specialist include itching or burning in the vagina or pain. However, other possible symptoms of a vaginal infection are also a reason for those affected to see a doctor. These include discharge, changes in odor or changes in the consistency of mucus. Basically, all changes in the vagina are considered a medical reason to see a gynecologist. In addition, the number of possible vaginal infections is large. Most of them run relatively symptom-free or there are only occasional perceptible symptoms. Accordingly, even the smallest changes should be taken as an opportunity to have a checkup. Also, most vaginal infections are harmless and can be easily treated. However, a quick visit to the doctor is always advisable. On the one hand, this protects possible sexual partners from infection. On the other hand, there are also infections that can cause sensitive damage to the vaginal tissue over time. In addition, bacterial infections, for example, can also migrate from the vagina. Co-infection of the uterus, for example, should be avoided urgently.

Treatment and therapy

Therapy for vaginal infection is based on the pathogen identified and is mostly directed at the affected person and her sexual partners. Abstaining from sexual intercourse until the symptoms subside is recommended. It is also important to harmonize the vaginal flora by avoiding causative factors and, if necessary, supporting regeneration with suppositories containing lactic acid bacteria. Bacterially caused vaginal infection and infection with protozoa are treated with antibiotics administered as tablets, vaginal creams or suppositories. Bacterial infection is treated in non-pregnant women only if the patient suffers from symptoms, in pregnant women always. Therapy of infection with human papilloma virus or herpes simplex can be carried out by the patient with virostatic ointments or tablets. Only in severe cases, medical treatment with trichloroacetic acid or laser therapy is necessary; surgical removal of the affected skin areas is also possible. Candida Albicans is treated with antimycotics as creams, suppositories or tablets. From a homeopathic point of view, grapefruit seed extract is also recommended.


To prevent vaginal infection, healthy intimate hygiene, caution in choosing sexual partners, and protected sexual intercourse are recommended.There is no 100% protection against human papilloma viruses, so all girls should undergo vaccination before their first sexual intercourse. Regular gynecological checkups also protect by controlling the ph of the vagina.


The physiological vaginal flora can be negatively affected by many factors (for example, environmental influences, sexual behavior, stress, diet). Therefore, aftercare should aim to maintain the natural, physiologic environment of the vaginal flora to avoid reinfection. It is estimated that there is a recurrence rate of about 60 percent after vaginal infection. For prophylaxis, preparations containing lactobacilli can be administered in the form of vaginal suppositories or tablets. These are intended to cause an increase in the physiological germ flora of the vagina. These preparations should be administered for at least four weeks. There are even recommendations that speak of a period of six to eight weeks. Another approach to aftercare or recurrence prophylaxis is physiological acidification of the vaginal pH. The aim here is to achieve/maintain the physiologically low pH of around four. Lactic acid preparations exist in the form of tablets or suppositories. Since vaginal germs prefer a moist, warm environment, tight, airtight clothing in the intimate area should be avoided. Excessive intimate hygiene is counterproductive, as this could have an unfavorable effect on the pH value. It is advisable to change the underwear daily and wash it at higher temperatures. In case of using panty liners, make sure to change them regularly and use breathable goods.

This is what you can do yourself

Vaginal infections can be caused by fungi or bacteria and cause the unpleasant symptoms. All vaginal infections are usually well within the woman’s reach of self-help. In all cases, however, the following applies: the diagnosis by the doctor must be clearly confirmed in advance. If the disease flares up again, however, self-help can also replace a visit to the doctor. The following applies to most vaginal infections: They disturb the natural balance in the environment of the vaginal flora. Self-help is therefore primarily aimed at bringing this milieu back into the physiological range. Lactic acid is an important factor here. This can be introduced into the vagina in the form of tablets and suppositories. Natural help is provided by a normal tampon that has been dipped in natural yogurt before insertion. It can also relieve the itching that is often associated with vaginal infection due to its cooling effect. Natural yogurt can also be used for prophylaxis outside of acute infections. It has a positive effect on the vaginal flora. Hygiene is an important factor in vaginal infection, but it should not be overdone with harsh cleansing products. Mild cleaning with lukewarm water is quite sufficient. Underwear should be changed daily during the acute infection and washed at the highest possible temperatures. Cotton is more advantageous here than synthetic fiber.