Values | Hypercholesterolemia


The exact limits for total cholesterol vary from lab to lab. Values between 200 and 230 mg/dl are generally considered too high.The interpretation of the total cholesterol value always depends on the values of the lipoproteins HDL and LDL. LDL cholesterol should be below the limit of 160 mg/dl, while HDL cholesterol should not be lower than 40 mg/dl.

A high HDL level is considered a protective factor for strokes and heart attacks. If such an event has occurred in the past, the LDL limit should be lowered to values below 100 mg/dl as a preventive measure. Tobacco consumption, high blood pressure, a family predisposition to cardiovascular events and diabetes mellitus are also indicators of the lowest possible LDL value.

If increased LDL cholesterol circulates through the bloodstream over a longer period of time, the probability of attachment to the vessel walls increases. The fat deposits on the walls of the arteries are called plaques. They also consist of connective tissue, thrombi and, to a small extent, calcium phosphate.

Colloquially one speaks of arteriosclerosis. However, it is rather a degenerative process with hardened and thickened vessel walls. The final stage involves the formation of so-called foam cells, which contain a large proportion of LDL and result in chronic inflammation.

Connective tissue plaques with a core of fats are formed. If a plaque breaks open, the diameter of the artery is further reduced as a coagulation reaction of the blood is triggered. The consequences of arteriosclerosis account for the largest share of the causes of death in the western world.

A heart attack occurs when the coronary arteries are displaced and the heart muscle is no longer supplied with sufficient oxygen. A stroke is caused by a reduced blood flow in the vessels supplying the brain. Other common consequences are aortic aneurysm, a bulging of the abdominal artery and the so-called pAVK. The latter stands for peripheral arterial occlusive disease and refers to the increasing displacement of the leg arteries. Affected patients complain of load-dependent pain, which is accompanied by a significantly restricted walking distance.