Varicose Vein Hernia (Varicocele): Causes

Pathogenesis (development of disease)

The following forms of varicocele are distinguished:

  • Primary varicocele/idiopathic varicocele – congenital form (nearly right-angled confluence of the testicular vein with the renal vein on the left side combined with insufficient venous valves → long, hydrostatic pressure column → decompensation, i.e. varicose vein formation in the area of the pampiniform plexus formed by the testicular and epididymal veins
  • Secondary varicocele/symptomatic varicocele – arises due to outflow obstruction caused by retroperitoneal space (e.g., due to tumor disease); nutcracker syndrome: compression of the V. renalis sinistra between the A. mesenterica sup. and the aorta