Varicose Veins (Varicosities): Causes

Pathogenesis (development of disease)

Primary varicose veins result from degenerative disease of the vein wall and/or valves in the superficial venous system and a concomitant intraluminal (“inside the cavity”) increase in pressure in the affected veins. As a result, there is ectatic and varicose dilatation (expansion) of the veins (= varicose veins)Secondary varicose veins are usually caused by deep vein thrombosis (TBVT). This causes blood to drain through the superficial veins as collaterals (i.e., in the setting of postthrombotic syndrome, PTS; chronic venous stasis affecting the lower extremity as a result of deep vein thrombosis).

Etiology (Causes)

Biographic causes

  • Genetic burden from parents, grandparents leading to connective tissue insufficiency.
  • Gender – female sex
  • Height – the quarter of the longest people are 74% more likely to get sick than the quarter of the shortest people (hazard ratio 1.74; 1.51-2.01)
  • Age – increasing age
  • Hormonal factors – gravidity
  • Occupations – occupations with a lot of sedentary or predominantly standing activity.

Behavioral causes

  • Physical activity
    • Physical inactivity
    • Sedentary or predominantly standing activity
  • Tight, constricting clothing
  • Overweight (BMI ≥ 25; obesity).

Disease-related causes

Other causes

  • Gravidity (pregnancy)