Vestibular neuritis | Dizziness with nausea

Vestibular neuritis

Vestibular neuritis is an acute unilateral functional impairment or even a functional failure of the vestibular organ. According to the suffix “itis”, vestibular neuritis is an inflammation and overwhelms mainly people between the ages of 30 and 60. The causes of this disease are still not completely known.

A vestibular neuritis is suspected to be acute with the following symptoms: Hearing disorders do not occur in the context of a vestibular neuritis. It seems to the affected person as if fixed objects tremble or sway.

  • Virus infection,
  • Virus reactivation of a virus dormant in the body
  • Circulatory problems.
  • Continuous spinning dizziness, which can last up to several weeks
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Fall inclination to the diseased side
  • Horizontal, rhythmic eye movements to the healthy side (spontaneous nystagmus)
  • Visual disturbances (oscillopsies)

Stroke (Apoplexy)

A circulatory disorder of the brain can also cause dizziness, nausea and vomiting. In addition, however, there are usually: Of great importance is that every stroke is an acute emergency.

  • Symptoms of paralysis
  • Speech disorders
  • Visual disorders
  • Disturbances of the equilibrium
  • Headaches and confusion on

Diseases of the inner ear, vestibulopathy

Diseases of the inner ear include inflammations that either occur locally or have been passed on via other organs.Inflammation of the middle ear (otitis media), inflammation of the bones (e.g. mastoiditis) and diseases of the meninges can spread to the inner ear and irritate the organ of equilibrium there to such an extent that dizzy spells can occur. You can find more information on our website:

  • Otitis media
  • Mastoiditis


The word kinetosis comes from the Greek word “kinein” for “to move”. Kinetosis is therefore a travel or motion sickness. Complaints are caused by movement or acceleration of our organism, for example on the water, in the air, in the car, bus or train.

Children between the ages of 2 and 12 suffer from kinetosis in particular. Men are not affected by kinetosis as frequently as women. The cause of the complaints is a deviation from what we perceive with our various sensory organs, such as the organ of balance and the eyes.

Passing on this nonsensical information to our brain then triggers the complaints. The following symptoms When travelling by ship, it would be advisable to have a cabin in the middle of the ship, and in an airplane, an aisle seat in the area of the wings would be considered favorable. In case of complaints, it is advisable to drive the car yourself or to choose the passenger seat as a seat.

In the bus, the front seats are particularly suitable for sensitive people. You should also look outside. On the train, a seat in the direction of travel is to be recommended. Here too, one should look outside.

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Swindle
  • An accelerated and/or deepened breathing
  • A drop in blood pressure
  • Pallor
  • Pulse Rise