Vibration training and muscle building

Effect of vibration training on the muscles:

The body reacts to the vibration training, which reaches the body from outside in different frequency ranges, with various adaptation mechanisms. These depend in particular on the place and type of vibration introduction, the selected frequency range, the vibration amplitude, the body position and the training form. Low frequencies between 5 and 15 Hz High frequencies between 15 and 30 Hz The combination of low and high training frequencies has particularly positive effects on postural control, coordination and balance.

  • Muscle loosening
  • Analgesic
  • Mobility enhancing
  • Balance
  • Detonating (reduction of muscle tension)
  • Increased muscle performance (is composed of strength and speed)Muscle building
  • Toning (increasing muscle tension)
  • Improvement of intramuscular coordination

How do these mechanisms of action come about?

The addressed musculature reacts by the fast rocking of the vibration plate with constant length change. This triggers stretch reflexes on the muscle spindles (feelers in the muscles that react to changes in length with a reflex). The stretching reflexes lead to increased recruitment and activation of the motor units addressed by the training (point where the transmission from nerves to muscles takes place, neurological effect).

The musculature is stimulated in certain chains of movement, which must be activated especially when walking, running and upright posture, and must provide a certain strength potential and coordination for these requirements. Our body is constantly striving to maintain an upright posture for a long time. If this automatic process is disturbed by the fast vibration frequencies, the muscles react as an adaptation with increased activity to dampen the vibrations acting on the body.

The constantly rapidly changing pre-stretching of the muscles leads to the training of the entire postural system (system responsible for the upright posture of the body, consisting of muscles, organ of balance, labyrinth, proprioceptors – small feelers that continuously inform us about the position of the joints in space-). Since the stimulus to the muscles is always even during whole-body vibration, the reaction of the muscles to vibration training is also always the same. This ensures a high level of safety during the training.

Effects (muscle building) on the global as well as the local muscle system are proven. When used in standing and sitting positions, the entire trunk and pelvic floor muscles, as well as the muscle chains of the pelvis and legs, are strengthened. When applied with both arms supported on the vibration plate, the neck, upper support muscles and arm muscles are strengthened.

The stimulation of the bladder and intestinal muscles is particularly evident in the improvement of digestion and bladder control. Due to the high stimulation frequency, the muscles are primarily addressed in the elements responsible for speed and can achieve fast motor learning in terms of speed and responsiveness due to the high regular repetition rates. The ability to react quickly in milliseconds is needed, for example, when absorbing a fall.

Since the body has to constantly balance the vibrations during vibration training, balance is particularly promoted. Due to the high level of muscle stimulation in a short training time with little subjective effort for the user, a good training compliance (cooperation, perseverance) is achieved in the long run with accompanying muscle build-up.