Viral Hemorrhagic Fever: Therapy

General measures

  • Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) – symptomatic therapy: acetylsalicylic acid or acetaminophen may be given to reduce fever.
  • Dengue virus (DENV) – hospital admission depending on the general condition and always at a platelet drop (drop in the number of platelets) to < 100,000 /μl; in severe courses, the outcome depends largely on the quality of supportive treatment [see below dengue fever].
  • Ebola virus (EBOV)/Marburg virus (MARV) – strict isolation already suspected disease; intensive medical, symptomatic therapy [see below Ebola].
  • Yellow fever virus (GFV) – symptomatic therapy; in severe courses may require intensive medical care to support vital functions (circulation, respiration); in severe courses, the outcome depends largely on the quality of supportive treatment [see below yellow fever].
  • Crimean-Congo virus (CCHF) – strict isolation already suspected disease; symptomatic, if necessary intensive medical therapy; if necessary convalescent sera with neutralizing antibodies.
  • Lassa virus (LV) – strict isolation already in case of suspected disease; control and segregate persons with close contact; postexposure prophylaxis indicated if necessary; intensive medical, symptomatic therapy; in severe courses, the outcome depends largely on the quality of supportive treatment.
  • Rift valley virus (RVF, English Rift valley fever) – intensive medical, symptomatic therapy.
  • West Nile fever virus (WNV) – intensive medical, symptomatic therapy; in severe courses, the outcome depends largely on the quality of supportive care.