Visual Impairment: Symptoms, Complaints, Signs

The following symptoms and complaints may occur together with Increasing visual impairment:

Leading symptom

  • Increasing visual impairment

Associated symptoms

  • Veiled fundus (fundus of the eye); the fundus (= visible internal structures of the posterior pole of the bulbus oculi) includes:
  • Hemorrhage
  • Exudate

Warning signs (red flags)

  • Increasing morning headache or protrusion of the eyeball + visual impairment → think of: Tumor
  • Obscured fundus → think of: Cataract (cataract); other typical symptoms are: Sensation of glare, decrease in visual acuity, decreased perception of contrast, decrease in color perception or “foggy vision” (feeling as if looking through a “frosted glass”).
  • Problems reading + distorted vision + things are perceived “around the corner” → think of: Macular degeneration (degenerative disease of the macula lutea/yellow spot of the retina).
  • Visual impairment, increasing or recurrent + other neurological symptoms → think of: Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
  • Visual impairment, increasing + mouches volantes (“mosquito vision”) + shadows in the visual field + sooty rain (sudden appearance of dense black or red spots in the visual field) → think of: Ablatio retinae (retinal detachment; emergency!).