Vitamin A: Symptoms of Deficiency

According to the WHO, vitamin A deficiency is incipient at levels of 10 to 20 µg/dl and marked at levels below 10 µg/dl. Only when liver stores are depleted do plasma vitamin A levels also decrease, although there is a clear vitamin A deficiency in the tissues even before the plasma concentration is depleted. The first signs of vitamin A deficiency are manifested by visual disturbances and dry, scaly skin. In later stages, loss of appetite, higher susceptibility to infections – especially pneumoniataste and hearing disorders, reduced fertility and early childhood malformations may occur, and even death. Typical symptoms of vitamin A deficiency include night blindness or xerophthalmia. Respiratory diseases are a common accompaniment of latent vitamin A deficiency. As a cause, changes in the respiratory mucosa play an important role, with a significant loss of ciliary-bearing cells and a definite increase in secreting cells – metaplasia. These pathophysiologic processes cause increased susceptibility to infection and lead to increased morbidity and mortality in children in third-world countries.

Typical changes caused by vitamin A deficiency

General symptoms

  • Fatigue
  • Loss of appetite
  • Increased risk of kidney stone formation


  • Dryness, itching and redness of the conjunctiva.
  • Disruption of dark adaptation to hemeralopia – slowed adaptation to twilight vision due to reduction of the light-sensitive pigment rhodopsin in rods.
  • Conjunctival or corneal xerosis.
  • Bitot spots (white spots on the outside of the conjunctiva due to accumulated keratinized material), keratomalacia, blindness.


  • Hearing disorders (to be discussed)
  • Increased vulnerability


  • Decreased sensitivity to odors

Skin, mucous membranes


  • Hypochromic anemia

Bones, teeth

  • Dentin disorders, growth disorders – especially of the long tubular bones.

Central nervous system

  • Increase in intracerebral pressure, hydrocephalus in neonates.


  • Disorders of spermatogenesis


  • Malformations especially area of the auditory organ in varying degrees.
  • Multiple malformations of the gastrointestinal and urogenital tract.