Vitamin and Mineral Supplements: Useful or a Waste of Money?

Vitamin and mineral supplements are recommended in many cases. Iodized table salt and omega-3 fatty acids for all those who do not consume fish several times a week, iron and folic acid in pregnancy, vitamin C and zinc as a prophylaxis against colds, zinc for seniors, and multivitamin preparations in the case of a generally unfavorable dietary composition: in all these cases, supplementation of nutrients over and above the daily diet makes sense, says Birgit Junghans, Diplom Oecotrophologin of the German Institute of Nutritional Medicine and Dietetics (D.I.E.T.) in Bad Aachen.

Often deficiency supply of certain minerals

The discussion about the sense and necessity of dietary supplements such as vitamin and mineral preparations leads to uncertainty on the part of the consumer and the patient whose doctor advises such a product. On the one hand, there are the representatives of healthy nutrition who vehemently reject such products as superfluous and money-making. On the other side are the people whose diet consists mainly of fast food, high-fat foods and few fresh vegetable ingredients, and who try to compensate for their gross nutritional deficiencies with a series of pills and powders. This polarizing approach neglects the fact that Germany is often deficient in certain minerals, as well as the fact that various life circumstances make adequate dietary intake very difficult, Junghans said.

Intake in the form of vitamin or mineral supplements often useful

In many cases, a supply in the form of vitamin or mineral preparations makes sense, and in some cases is even absolutely necessary. Overall, the intake of minerals and trace elements has declined in recent decades due to the increased consumption of industrially processed foods in Western industrialized countries. Here, only 15 percent of dietary energy comes from foods in unmodified form, which have their natural mineral content. 40 percent of food energy comes from fat and oil, 20 percent from sucrose, 10 percent from alcohol and 15 percent from white flour. It is perfectly possible to cover one’s entire vitamin and mineral requirements with an optimally composed diet, Junghans said, but the above figures show that this is still an aspirational goal that the majority of the population falls far short of achieving. A balanced diet that covers the entire requirement is not easy to carry out and requires a sound knowledge of foods and their ingredients, as well as of the quantities that the human organism needs on a daily basis.

Increased requirements in at-risk groups

The situation is complicated by the fact that although a low-meat diet leads to a desirable reduction in unfavorable saturated fatty acids, it also means an undesirable reduced iron intake. Vegetarians often have a healthier body weight, fiber intake is adequate, vitamin C supply is good, but B vitamins, zinc and iron are often lacking. In various situations, such as pregnancy or breastfeeding, the need for some nutrients is significantly increased and an adequate supply is not possible. These include folic acid and iron in particular. Similarly, older people often have an increased need for certain nutrients, but this is offset by a decrease in appetite and a lower energy requirement due to lower physical activity.

Reasons for unbalanced diet in everyday life

Optimal nutrition is not always guaranteed in everyday life. Reasons for this may include:

  • Lack of time
  • Lack of knowledge about food and its ingredients.
  • Personal aversion to certain foods such as fish.
  • Canteen food, food in schools or kindergartens
  • In older people chewing difficulties or limited by physical weakness shopping and preparation options.
  • In children, preference for few dishes, rejection of fruits and vegetables.

Maximum recommended amounts for dietary supplements

As useful as dietary supplements can be in some cases, it should always be kept in mind that vitamins and minerals can also have negative health consequences if taken in excess over a long period of time.Therefore, the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) has issued recommendations on maximum amounts for vitamins and minerals in food supplements that should not be exceeded.

Conclusion: dietary supplements useful in certain cases

The best resolutions and intentions are not much use if they can not be implemented in reality. Here, dietary supplements may well have their justification and as a supplement close the gaps that open up in the daily diet. However, they should not be misunderstood as an alibi for a careless diet, Junghans warns.