Vitamin B1: Important for the Nervous System

Vitamin B1 is a water-soluble vitamin that plays a crucial role in the body, especially for the function of the nervous system. If too little vitamin B1 is taken in, a vitamin B1 deficiency occurs, which can result in serious disorders in the body. To prevent vitamin B1 deficiency, it is particularly recommended to consume foods such as cereal products, pork, certain types of fish, and legumes.

Effect of vitamin B1

In the body, vitamin B1 has a decisive influence on the central as well as the peripheral nervous system. Here it is particularly important for the transmission of excitation between nerves and muscles: vitamin B1 influences the neurotransmitters GABA and serotonin and acts as an antagonist of acetylcholine. Vitamin B1 is also involved in the metabolism of some neurotransmitters. In addition, it plays an important role in the regeneration of the nervous system after illness or trauma. In addition, vitamin B1 is involved as a coenzyme in the production of energy from food. Therefore, a vitamin B1 deficiency can cause severe disturbances, especially in carbohydrate metabolism.

Vitamin B1 and vitamin B6

Vitamins B1 and B6 are used together to treat diseases of the nervous system. They influence various metabolic reactions and thus support the body’s own function of the nervous system. Both vitamins are administered together in the case of corresponding diseases, as they work better in combination than when taken separately. Vitamin B1 and vitamin B6 are particularly important for the regeneration of the nervous system: they support the body’s own repair measures by promoting the growth of nerve fibers. In addition, they are involved in the renewal of damaged nerves and have an analgesic effect.

Vitamin B1 in foods

An adult’s daily requirement of vitamin B1 ranges from 1.0 to 1.3 milligrams. Stress, use of birth control pills, alcoholism, and during pregnancy and lactation may slightly increase the requirement. The daily dose of vitamin B1 can be met, for example, by consuming the following foods:

  • 50 grams of sunflower seeds
  • 100 grams pork
  • 200 grams of oatmeal
  • 200 grams wild rice
  • 200 grams soybeans
  • 300 grams of plaice or tuna

Also larger amounts of vitamin B1 are found in foods such as whole grain flour, beef and salmon, as well as legumes, dairy products and potatoes. It is usually easy to avoid vitamin B1 deficiency by eating a healthy, balanced diet. When preparing food, you should remember that vitamin B1 is water-soluble and thus some of the vitamin passes into the cooking water during cooking. Since vitamin B1 is also extremely sensitive to heat, foods containing vitamin B1 should be prepared as gently as possible.

Vitamin B1 deficiency: causes and prevention

If the body is not supplied with vitamin B1 over a period of two weeks, the reserves stored in the body are already 50 percent depleted. After 40 days at the latest, the vitamin B1 reserves are then completely depleted – so the person is dependent on a regular supply of vitamin B1. The most common cause of vitamin B1 deficiency is poor nutrition and/or alcohol abuse. However, the risk of vitamin B1 deficiency also increases significantly as a result of stress, smoking, competitive sports, taking the contraceptive pill and pregnancy. To prevent vitamin B1 deficiency, you should consider the following aspects in addition to a healthy diet:

Vitamin B1 deficiency: typical symptoms

A mild deficiency of vitamin B1 may be more common. It is noticeable through symptoms such as digestive disorders and lack of appetite, as well as central nervous disorders. These include, for example, fatigue, depressive moods, and poor memory. Likewise, shortness of breath, rapid pulse and water retention (edema) may occur.If there is a severe vitamin B1 deficiency, severe central nervous disorders such as paralysis and sensory and brain dysfunction may occur. In addition, there may be a drop in blood pH (metabolic acidosis), which can result in heart failure.

Beri Beri clinical picture

If severe vitamin B1 deficiency is present over a long period of time, it can lead to the clinical picture known as beri beri. This consequence of vitamin B1 deficiency still occurs mainly in developing countries. In Beri Beri, in addition to the symptoms already mentioned above, symptoms such as cardiac muscle weakness or depression occur. However, the characteristic symptom of the vitamin deficiency disease is skeletal muscle atrophy, which leads to a significant functional impairment, especially in the legs. The muscle atrophy makes it very difficult for those affected to walk. Basically, two different forms are distinguished in beri beri:

  • Dry Beri Beri describes the neurologically emphasized form of vitamin B1 deficiency, in which predominantly neuritic disorders occur. These include, for example, muscle weakness, reflex disorders and sensory disturbances.
  • Wet Beri Beri describes the edematous form of vitamin deficiency, in which edema and heart failure often occur.

Vitamin B1 overdose

Overdose of vitamin B1 is not possible via food intake, because excess vitamin B1 is excreted by the kidneys. In addition, the body can absorb only small amounts of vitamin B1 through the digestive tract. Thus, an overdose can only be caused by injecting a high dose – about one hundred times the daily dose. An overdose can cause an allergic reaction as well as headaches, cramps, a feeling of heat, nausea, and cardiac arrhythmias. To prevent overdose, vitamin B1 should be given only orally and not by infusion or injection.