Vitamin B6: Function & Diseases

Vitamin B6 bears the name pyridoxine and is water-soluble. Vitamin B6, with its components pyridoxol, pyridoxal as well as pyridoxamine, assumes its tasks as a starting substance in metabolism, especially for the formation of coenzymes.

Mode of action of vitamin B6

With a balanced diet, the need for vitamin B6 can be easily met, as it is contained in many different foods.

Coenzymes are significant for all processes in protein metabolism. The body can form pyridoxal phosphate, also known as PLP, and pyridoxamine phosphate, also known as PMP, from vitamin B6. Both coenzymes are essential in the formation of various enzymes.

Enzymes act like catalysts and are involved in many biochemical reactions in the body. Both PMP and PLP play a role in at least 100 metabolic processes in the body. When the body wants to build protein building blocks, it needs PLP in particular.

Protein building blocks consist of amino acids, on which PLP has a particularly strong effect. Dopamine and the messenger substance histamine, which is involved in allergic processes, as well as serotonin as a neurotransmitter are influenced by PLP. Overall lipid metabolism and the immune system, as well as hormonal balance, are also controlled by vitamin B6.


Since vitamin B6 is significantly involved in the immune system and its functioning, it assumes an essential role in health. If the immune system is weak, gradually all other functions suffer and the person becomes ill.

The significant influence of vitamin B6 on the entire nervous system also plays a significant role in maintaining health. Hormonal processes that are not sufficiently supplied with vitamin B6 and a weakened immune system affect all other physical processes that make a body efficient.

Because vitamin B6 plays such a central role in amino acid metabolism, it is also important in preventing disease. Vitamin B6 also plays the same role in the therapy of various diseases. Only folic acid and vitamin B12 have an equally central importance for the body and its maintenance of health.

Many problems such as premenstrual complaints or even carpal tunnel syndrome and depression are positively influenced by vitamin B6.

For athletes, vitamin B6 also plays an important role for these reasons. A healthy and balanced diet provides enough vitamin B6. Those who do a lot of sports should make sure that enough vitamin B6 is taken. This is because athletic performance depends on vitamin B6 in many bodily processes.

Occurrence in food

With a balanced diet, the need for vitamin B6 can be easily met, as it is found in many different foods. Meat eaters in particular cover their vitamin B6 needs quite well. Liver and meat contain a lot of this important vitamin, which is involved in various metabolic processes.

In general, all animal foods are strong suppliers of vitamin B6. Offal and fatty fish such as sardines or mackerel provide plenty of vitamin B6. In addition to meat, it is also found in potatoes and cereals, in vegetables and in fruit.

Vitamin B6, on the other hand, is not found in sugar, oils or fats. Milk that has been sterilized has also lost its vitamin B6 content. The vitamin B6 in meat is also lost up to 40 percent during cooking and frying. Foods that are frozen sometimes contain only 50 percent of the essential vitamin B6.