Vitamin deficiency


A sufficient supply of vitamins and a good state of health are closely related. The human body is not able to produce vitamins on its own, except for one – vitamin D. If the body is supplied with a sufficient amount of carbon-containing compounds on a daily basis, a smooth functioning of the numerous functional areas in which vitamins are involved is guaranteed. A total of 13 vitamins are known, divided into a fat-soluble and a water-soluble group.

Each one plays an important role. Vitamin K, for example, ensures that the blood coagulates properly, vitamin A is involved in the maturation of red blood cells and sensory perceptions such as sight and hearing, and vitamin C is an important partner in chemical reactions in the body. Insufficient supply of these vital vitamins causes a deficiency condition.

If a certain vitamin is present in a significantly reduced form, this is called hypovitaminosis. If the vitamin is almost undetectable, it is called avitaminosis. Deficiency states occur mainly with unbalanced nutrition over a longer period of time.

Vitamins are not only contained in vegetable, but also in animal products such as egg, fish and liver. A varied diet is therefore an important basis for a sufficient supply. The symptoms of a vitamin deficiency are often unspecific and difficult to detect, especially in their early stages.

One speaks of a latent deficiency of a vitamin. If this manifests itself, life-threatening situations can arise. First of all, neurological abnormalities become noticeable. These include fatigue, concentration difficulties, mood swings and depression. Only when they manifest themselves can individual symptoms be assigned to a specific vitamin.


The symptoms of vitamin deficiency in the early stages are usually unspecific and not clearly attributable. Those affected often suffer from complaints such as increased fatigue, mood swings, concentration problems, depressive moods and difficulties in reproducing recently heard content. In advanced stages, typical symptoms can be assigned to a specific vitamin.

Deficiency symptoms of…

  • Vitamin A (retinol): visual disturbances, scaly, dry skin.
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine): Skeletal muscle atrophy, cardiac dysfunction and water retention (edema) – also known as BeriBeri disease – occurs mainly in countries where polished rice is the main food consumed, which does not contain thiamine.
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin): conjunctivitis, growth disorders and inflammatory tears of the corners of the mouth (mouth rhagades).
  • Vitamin B3 (niacin) causes three typical “D-symptoms”: Dementia, diarrhoea and dermatitis. The clinical picture is called pellagra.
  • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine): sleep disorders, depressive disorder, microcytic, hypochromic anemia, oily facial skin and pathological changes of the lip and tongue.
  • Vitamin B7 (vitamin H/biotin): inflammatory skin changes and hair loss.
  • Vitamin B9 (folic acid deficiency): relatively common especially in alcoholics, smokers and pregnant women, leads to inflamed mucous membranes in mouth and intestines.
  • Vitamin B12 (cobalamin): has a particularly damaging effect on the nervous system and causes anemia, pronounced fatigue and reduced cognitive performance.
  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid): a manifest vitamin C deficiency is called scurvy and typically leads to tooth loss, susceptibility to infection and physical weakness and increased bleeding tendency.
  • Vitamin D (cholecalciferol): increased excitability of nerves and disorders of bone metabolism. In children this leads to the clinical picture of rickets, in adults to osteomalacia (softening of the bones).
  • Vitamin E (tocoppherol): very rare, as humans can store sufficient amounts.

    Vitamin deficiency lacks protection against oxidative stress and can lead to haemolytic anaemia.

In connection with a beginning lack of vitamin B2 (riboflavin), inflammatory tears of the corners of the mouth occur. The so-called corner of the mouth rhagades heal poorly and cause pain when opening the mouth. They usually occur together with other symptoms.

These include inflamed oral mucous membranes, conjunctivitis and growth disorders in children. In some cases, intermittent eczema is observed on the side of the nostrils. In the advanced stages there is a risk of lens clouding and anemia.

In addition, the function of other vitamins is put at risk.Vitamin B2 should be taken daily in a dosage of 1.5 mg. It is found in animal products such as meat, liver, fish and dairy products in its easily absorbable form. It is also found in cereals and certain vegetables (peas, broccoli, yellow peppers).

The following groups are particularly affected by a deficiency: the female sex, vegans, diabetics, smokers and alcoholics. Chronic malnutrition also causes a vitamin deficiency. Hair loss is a characteristic symptom of vitamin B7 deficiency (also vitamin H or biotin).

Vitamin B7 plays an essential role in numerous metabolic processes. As a cofactor of chemical reactions, it serves to transfer carbon groups. A deficiency primarily leads to a disturbed protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism.

The symptoms are mainly reflected in skin and hair. Those affected suffer from hair loss, brittle nails, conjunctivitis and dermatitis. Other deficiency symptoms include extraordinary tiredness, depressive mood, muscle pain and cholesterol levels above the normal range.

The daily required amount of biotin is 60 micrograms. The vitamin is contained in numerous foods, albeit in a quantity of only a few micrograms. Particularly high amounts of biotin are found in descending order in dried yeast, beef liver, egg yolk and soy products.

Vitamin B7 is also found in oat flakes, bananas, walnuts, milk, fish, spinach and mushrooms. Excessive consumption of raw eggs and antibiotics in combination with artificial nutrition are risk factors for hypovitaminosis. Vitamin B12 does not denote a single vitamin, but summarizes a group of chemically related cobalamin compounds.

The daily requirements of the human body must be covered by an external supply of the vitamin. Although certain bacteria of the intestinal flora are capable of producing vitamin B12, they can only produce it in limited quantities. Cobalamins are stored in various organs of the body.

Prior to this, they bind to a specific protein that is produced by the liver for transport and storage. In the human body, cobalamins fulfill the function of cofactors. As part of enzymes, they participate in numerous metabolic reactions.

Vitamin B12 plays a crucial role in blood formation, the function of nerve cells and the regeneration of mucous membranes. In protein metabolism and in the formation of neurotransmitters, the vitamin takes on further tasks. The conversion of homocysteine to methionine is a particularly important reaction depending on vitamin B12.

In this way, the amino acid methionine is regenerated and ensures sufficient production of nucleic acids. These are contained in DNA and partly in RNA. Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency appear as pernicious anemia, a certain form of anaemia, and disorders of the central nervous system.

The so-called funicular myelosis is accompanied by motor and sensory limitations. A manifest deficiency causes persistent fatigue, tongue burning, reduced mental performance and constipation. The daily requirement of vitamin B12 is only about 3 micrograms.

Cobalamins are contained in animal foods. Particularly high concentrations are found in offal. The vitamin is also found in fish, meat and, in small quantities, in dairy products and egg.

Special risk groups for a vitamin-B12 deficiency are vegans and vegetarians as well as elderly people, pregnant and nursing women, alcoholics and smokers. A known side effect of certain drugs (including omeprazole and metformin) is the reduced intake of vitamin B12. Vegetarians are therefore often recommended to take vitamin B12 preparations.

Increased fatigue is a non-specific symptom that can be associated with a vitamin deficiency. Numerous causes such as a lack of other nutrients, infectious diseases, mental illness and carcinomas also cause fatigue and should not be lost sight of. During the winter months many people, especially in the northern hemisphere, suffer from pronounced fatigue and listlessness.

One also speaks of “winter depression“. Vitamin D is absorbed dependent on food, but can also be produced by the body itself under the influence of UV light. From the provitamin D3, the vitamin D3 and then its active form calcitriol is produced.

It plays an essential role in bone and muscle metabolism and in the function of the immune and nervous systems. If an undersupply of vitamin D is detected, the deficiency should be corrected by oral administration of vitamin preparations.Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) and vitamin B7 deficiency (biotin) can lead to drowsiness. A vitamin B12 deficiency also causes persistent fatigue in addition to reduced cognitive performance and constipation.

A manifest vitamin C deficiency is rarely found nowadays, but can lead to tooth loss, bleeding tendency, susceptibility to infections and physical weakness, as well as fatigue. Brittle fingernails can occur in connection with a vitamin deficiency. In particular a lack of B vitamins, vitamin C and vitamin A leads to brittle and thin fingernails.

Vitamin B7 (biotin), folic acid and vitamin B12 (cobalamin) cause deficiency symptoms of the nails. Other causes are chemical effects, certain drugs in cancer therapy, calcium deficiency, skin, thyroid and joint diseases. More about the topic under: Vitamin A deficiency Vitamin B7 is significantly involved in hair and skin formation and is an essential cofactor of numerous chemical reactions in the human body.

If the body takes up too little Biotin, deficiency symptoms arise. In addition to brittle nails, typical symptoms include hair loss, conjunctivitis and inflammatory skin changes. A balanced diet usually remedies a vitamin deficiency. If you avoid animal products, special attention should be paid to vitamin B12.